Chapter 1870 Knowing Wrong

"Our Fan family has never had such a thing over the years... Mingyuezhuang in the southern suburbs has mountains and water, and the autumn weather is refreshing and suitable for sightseeing. I would like to invite Mrs. Shao and some ladies to visit and enjoy the scenery. Mrs. Shao, please stay with me and get rid of the grudge. The two sisters-in-law must help me! This is also for the good of our Fan family..."

After listening to the two Mrs. Fan, they did not suspect him, and after thinking about it, they also felt that this idea was very good.

Especially Mrs. Fan, she sighed sincerely: "If you can think so, then you are right! It's not me who said that Mrs. Shao and Mrs. Shao really can't be messed with. Look at Juyan Gorge this time. Ouch, I heard that hundreds of mountain bandits were all killed by the people under Master Shao. The leader was either dead or captured alive. He is still in the state prison at the moment! He also escaped. I went to a few fish that slipped through the net!"

"How powerful are those mountain bandits, this Master Shao is more powerful than them! How can you provoke them?"

"Mrs. Shao has had a lot of trouble with our family. If you invite her to go out this time, you must apologize properly. I hope Mrs. Shao is tolerant and generous, and it's better not to target our Fan family in the future..."

Fan Ruyin sounded harsh and awkward, and she felt a little guilty. She didn't dare to quarrel with Mrs. Fan.

Madam Fan was very relieved when she saw her attitude was so good, she agreed and treated her as a guest.

Fan Ruyin was overjoyed, and hurriedly smiled and asked her to set the time as far as possible in the next few days. The weather has been good recently, and it is not too late for this matter.

Madam Fan also felt reasonable.

So the next day, Mrs. Fan went to the backyard of the prefecture to visit in person, accompanied by a smiling face and politely handed over the invitation. Invite Qiao Xuan to visit Mingyuezhuang, her manor in the southern suburbs, to enjoy the scenery in two days.

"...The weather is just right now, and it's suitable to go out to play and relax. There are one or two places to see and admire in our village. We hereby invite Mrs. Shao to take a look. Besides... I went home for a banquet, something happened. I'm really sorry for such a thing, and I would like to ask Mrs. Shao to give us a chance to make up for it..."

Qiao Xuan accepted the invitation with a smile, saying that she would definitely go there.

Madam Fan was overjoyed, repeatedly expressed her honor, and complimented Qiao Xuan before leaving with a smile on her face and contentment.

Since the **** battle at Juyan Gorge, there have been many ladies who have come to visit her. Qiao Xuan can clearly feel that the ladies' attitude towards her has also changed a lot.

If the politeness in the past was only the politeness on the surface, but now it is the reverence that comes from the heart and reveals from the bones.

Lixia, Liqiu and others are all happy for their master and wife! My master has real skills, but it's not like those guns can compare, who would dare to underestimate his wife in the future...

When Shao Yunyun came back for lunch at noon, Qiao Xuan laughed about Mrs. Fan's invitation to go out to the city to enjoy the scenery and Zhuangzi as a guest.

After hearing this, Shao Yunyun couldn't help frowning: "The Fan family is really endless. At this time, I don't know why you want to ask the lady to go out to the city to enjoy the scenery! Don't go."

His wife is not so stupid!

Even in the city, Shao Yunyun didn't dare to say that he was 100% safe. If he went out of the city, let alone think about it!

This time, he severely killed the arrogance of Sanzhai, causing them a heavy loss and a great loss of strength. They must hate it very much in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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