Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1885: I just wanna see what they're up to

Chapter 1884 I just want to see what they feel at ease

The three master and servant chatted and laughed for a while, and then the two asked if they wanted to find a reason to refuse the Fan family?

"No need for now, I'll think about it!" Qiao Xuan wanted to say that she was going, but then she thought about it, she still respected her husband, and asked her husband's intention before making a decision.

Otherwise he will be angry again.

This guy is very careful...

Li Xia and Li Qiu believed that their wives would definitely make the best choice, so they stopped talking and said yes with a smile. It just so happened that the nanny and Caiyue came with the young master who woke up, and everyone was teasing the young master, laughing and laughing all over the room.

When Shao Yunyun came back in the evening, the couple had dinner together. Qiao Xuan felt that her husband was in a good mood for the past two days, and she was in a good mood at the moment, so she took out the post from Mrs. Fan and hugged her. Putting his arm on him, he said coquettishly: "Xianggong, is Qingsong Temple all right? I heard that the vegetarian food there is quite famous, especially the pine mushrooms and thin bamboo shoots produced in the pine forest in the back mountain. They are all so delicious!”

Shao Yunyun: "..."

It's just that her eyes were so vaguely wrong all night, and it really wasn't quite right!

"You want to go?"


Qiao Xuan nodded again and again, "The Fan family must have no good intentions!"

Shao Yunyun didn't need to say it, she said it herself, "But I just want to see what their hearts are!"

Shao Yunyun narrowed his eyes slightly and sneered: "Just because you went to Mingyuezhuang for a banquet yesterday, and those bandits happened to be out near Mingyuezhuang, I can now send officials to arrest and detain the Fan family! "

Ah Ye brought those eight people back yesterday, and Shao Yunyun, Sun Bai, Sun Qian, Zheng Sangge, etc. had already interrogated the identities of the eight people.

Two of the eight people are leaders, and the other six are also the strongest among them.

This is simply a surprise!

Everyone broke out in a cold sweat again!

Zheng Sanger and others have rich experience, and they firmly concluded that these mountain bandits definitely have some relationship with the Fan family, even though they refused to admit it.

There is no such thing as coincidence.

It so happened that the lady went to Mingyuezhuang for a banquet. It happened that they appeared near Mingyuezhuang at the same time, and each of them was an elite.

Without thinking, it can be inferred that these people must have gone for the lady and wanted to kidnap the lady.

Perhaps it was for the two leaders who were captured alive by the government before the hostage exchange.

It's just that maybe they didn't even think that they were so unlucky! Before I could do anything, I suffered such an innocent disaster~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is how God has eyes!

It's not difficult at all to interrogate this matter clearly. Under the heavy punishment, I don't believe that all these things can withstand it with gritted teeth.

As long as you get a confession, you can go to the Fan family to arrest people.

The Fan family was caught and tried again, and there was nothing that could not be brought out.

Shao Yunyun didn't want to go to the Fan family at this time. The most important thing now is the three cottages. Now that the first battle has begun, the struggle between the two sides has officially kicked off, and they must be wiped out in one go.

Compared to the Fan family, these people are even more dangerous!

Because they have no basic concept of right and wrong, flout the law, and act recklessly.

Therefore, Shao Yunyun clarified their identities and put it aside for the time being.

(End of this chapter)

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