Remember [New] for a second,! The two talked as they entered the room. Qiao Xuan was also happy to hear it, and said with a smile, "That's good, one of those **** catches one more, not to mention that there must be a lot of weight here."

Shao Yunyun also smiled: "Thanks to the lady today, the lady has made the first contribution."

Qiao Xuan jokingly asked, "Head Gong? Will there be rewards?"

"Of course, the first prize!"

These words aroused Qiao Xuan's interest, and she hurriedly asked, "Really? What is it?"

The smile in Shao Yunyun's eyes deepened, and he took her into his arms and leaned into her ear with a chuckle: "Is it the first prize to give you all the Lord Zhizhou?"

"You—" Qiao Xuan burst out laughing, pinching him into a coquettish smile: "Is Mr. Zhizhou able to eat or sell it? What's it worth!"

Shao Yunyun also smiled: "You can eat it, but you can't sell it!"

Qiao Xuan smiled more and more and her face became hot: "You—I won't tell you!"

Said Bi and pushed him away, "I'll go see An An!"

The man is so shameless and skinless, and it's getting more and more like this. She can't stand it, so let's go to her son. I haven't seen my son for a long time, and I really miss him very much.

Shao Yunyun followed behind her with a smile and went to see her son together.

The fluffy little baby has already taken shape. The face is flushed red, and the eyes are as black as clear springs. When they see their parents, they will show a happy look, and they will happily kick their little feet. , waving his little hands, and babbling in his little mouth, not to mention so cute.

Sons are so much better than men...

Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun were very affectionate and happy here, and they netted another net of fish. Fan Ruyin in Fan's family was as tight as they were sitting on pins and needles.

Distraught, she looked up and was startled that the sky was getting dark and couldn't help but change color, she stood up suddenly and was about to go to Mrs. Fan's yard.

She didn't dare to sleep alone that night, she wanted to go to her mother's place to be with her.

But she stopped after two steps.

This is not the way!

If she can run on the first day of the first day but not on the fifteenth day, she can't sleep with her mother every day. What can happen when tonight passes?

If it makes the other party even more angry, why don't you have to pay for it?

Fan Ruyin slapped her palm on the table heavily, a fire was burning in her heart, she hated and felt aggrieved!

That Mrs. Shao is too hateful, she refuses to go to the back mountain, if she goes, maybe the result will be completely different...

Fan Ruyin was a little annoyed, she should have insisted at that time, and she should have taken her to the back mountain anyway...

It's a pity it's useless to say anything at this moment.

Full of worries, Fan Ruyin was in a state of panic all night. She fell asleep at night, she opened her eyes and did not dare to close her eyes. She pricked up her ears to listen to the movement outside. Later, I found out that it was not, and the beating heart slowly slowed down.

But after a while, I couldn't help but **** up my ears.

So, over and over again, she didn't sleep well all night. He fell asleep in a daze, and woke up suddenly.

I woke up stunned and nervous, nothing happened...

The sky was bright, and Fan Ruyin opened her eyes and was stunned. Is this night just over? nothing happened?

She felt like a dream.

However, while she was relieved, she was even more uneasy.

She didn't believe that the bandits would let her go. Just because you didn't come last night doesn't mean you won't be here tonight.

This kind of torture is doomed, and she can't get rid of it one day.

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