Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1906: sensation in the city

Remember [New] for a second,! It is impossible for An Zezhou to swallow such a big benefit that was confiscated from the Fan family, even though the Anzezhou yamen was short of money.

When the money and things come in, he has to ask someone to count them and send some to the prefect yamen.

As soon as this happened, it was a lot of related affairs...

The Fan family was crying and shouting. When Mrs. Fan heard that the Fan family had been punished so severely, she fainted from the pain on the spot.

The Fan family was so panicked that they were in chaos again.

Fan Ruyin glared at Jia Heming and opened her mouth to say something, but Master Fan, who had been staring at her, immediately tugged at her sleeve, and shouted in a low voice: "What do you want to do? What do you want to say? Think about what all this is before you say anything. Who caused it! If you don't understand, I'll tell you now. It's not an exaggerated crime to kill one's head. I really can't take it anymore..."

Fan Ruyin was ashamed, angry, angry, and remorseful. She covered her face and choked up. She simply turned her head and ran away.

Seeing her run away, Master Fan secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The shop is easy to seal, and the land deed is easy to get. However, 300,000 taels of silver, even if they were as wealthy as the Fan family, could not be ready-made at once.

Only 100,000 taels of cash on the public account can be obtained, and there is really no more.

Jia Heming asked them to mortgage the antiques and treasures.

The Fan family was punished, but not in business. So many antiques and treasures were all silver. Who could not pay back the IOU to allow them to delay again and again? It doesn't make sense.

Master Fan did not dare to bargain, so he had to agree.

Jia Heming instructed a yamen to go to the largest pawnshop in Anze Prefecture, Ping An Dang, to find the two shopkeepers there to help with the valuation.

The same thing is registered in the register, and after estimating the price, the things are packed in boxes and sealed, and they are carried back to Shao Yunyun.

At this time, the head of Hutouzhai, head of Min Er, and the two bandits who were able to escape with them were all imprisoned in the official prison.

The boss of Hutouzhai scolded too harshly, so he was honest with a cloth ball in his mouth.

Regarding the Fan Jiatong bandits, he then turned around and took the initiative to plead guilty to the government, and the punishment for the Fan family was also posted all over the city.

Suddenly the whole city was rocked!

This is the biggest news of the year!

The people all scolded ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and applauded the punishment of the Fan family.

All the families knew very well that the local forces in Anze Prefecture were bound to undergo a major reshuffle. The Fan family has been officially kicked out of one of the three major families. With so many properties in the Fan family, the government will definitely hold an auction in the end, and everyone is eager to try it out, inquiring about each other, all thinking of the time to get a piece of the pie.

Of course, everyone knows very well that how the big guy wants to share the pie depends on what Master Shao and Madam Shao mean.

They are so rich, and Mr. Shao likes to buy land so much—haven't you seen that all the dry land in the barren mountains and mountains has been bought so much? It's no wonder they don't like this reclaimed good farm and shops.

I can't tell, I have to wait for them to choose first, and the rest will be the turn of everyone.

Many people are very depressed and regretful, and they have a lot of money. If they can buy more shops and fertile fields, maybe they will soon reach a new level, maybe they will be able to replace the status of the Fan family in a few years?

There were those who were unwilling and flexible, gave generous gifts and went to visit Qiao Xuan, all kinds of flattery.

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