Remember [New] for a second,! Everyone is in high spirits, full of excitement, warm in heart, full of confidence, and invigorated - with a wise man like Master Shao here, why worry that everyone will not have a good life in the future! Following Master Shao is the right thing to do!

The future is bright and everyone feels motivated!

There is a feeling of looking forward to a good day.

It's not like before, it's just a muddled mess.

In particular, everyone took turns toasting Master Shao, but it turned out that Master Shao was not drunk after a thousand cups, and the amount of alcohol was first-class, and everyone was even more impressed.

As expected of Master Shao, who can overturn mountain bandits.

Countless yamen and arresters regard Master Shao as an idol in their hearts, and they adore him so much!

The next day of the celebration banquet, Shao Yunyun announced the reward list for meritorious deeds that had been discussed with Jia Heming and others, and distributed silver to everyone.

The most common yamen also received 10 taels of silver per person, and Jia Heming, Hang Xingshan, Sun Bai, Sun Qian, Zheng Sangge and others received the highest grade, 500 taels per person.

The rest are two hundred, one hundred, fifty, twenty.

This reward can be said to be very fair and just, and no one is dissatisfied. Everyone lined up to receive the reward silver, and they were all beaming and smiling.

Qiao Xuan also gave rewards to everyone in the Houya.

Jia Heming and his wife were both happy and moved. When Jia Heming returned home with so many silver notes, Mrs. Jia couldn't believe her eyes, and she couldn't stop smiling.

She knew that her husband would be rewarded, but she thought that if she could get 10 taels, 20 or 30 taels, it would be enough to be happy and satisfied. It's been fully planned.

But this time she got five hundred taels, but she didn't know how to spend it.

Master Shao is a good person, and Mrs. Shao is also very good. The couple discussed it and couldn't repay it. Wherever Master Shao and the others go in the future, they will inevitably follow. Anyway, following Master Shao and the others, they will definitely not suffer, and they will be able to live more valuable...

After discussing the merits and deeds, the Fan family's property and many things plundered from the Three Villages began to be auctioned.

The mountain bandits are not very particular about their lives, and they live a rough life. They don’t have to engage in production or business. They threaten big households to give anything they need, or rob them if they don’t.

So the inventory on the mountain is really nothing.

In addition, when the cottage was broken, the friendly troops who came to help took advantage of the fire to carry some gold and silver in their arms, swept away some property, and there were not many left.

Gold, silver, grain, weapons, etc. are naturally confiscated from the national treasury, and the auction is only for some jewelry, cloth, a few rare and a few houses they secretly bought at the foot of the mountain.

Because of the relationship with the mountain bandits, these things are quite taboo, and they can't sell at a high price, and the real big families are not willing to buy them at all.

In the end they were sold at a lower price.

Jia Heming didn't have so many taboos. He also bought a house, covering an area of ​​about three acres. The three-entry courtyard was a bit out of place, but it was also in the city of Anze Prefecture, but it only cost one hundred taels of silver.

Qiao Xuan didn't pay much attention to this, but she was Mrs. Zhizhou, and it was not good to buy something like this, so she restrained herself from taking action, feeling a little regretful.

After all, the price is really cheap that!

Guan Shuli's house was also put up for auction.

------off topic-----

Ask for a monthly pass, little fairies! group hug~~



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