Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1922: want to go to Anzezhou

Remember [] for a second,!

Shao Liulang was a little surprised, sneered lightly, and said a few words that Shao Saburo didn't quite understand.

Shao Sanlang didn't understand and didn't bother to pay attention to him. Anyway, his fifth brother was good.

Shao Liulang didn't go to Shao Yunyun at all, and he had already wiped out the bandits in the territory. He thought that the news was not well-informed in ancient times, and even if the regions were connected, it could not spread so quickly.

Shao Liulang only thought that Shao Yunyun was a swollen face and made a fat man. He wanted to show off his special power as a parent official, so he invited his family to go.

He didn't even know how to think about it. That ruined place was so dangerous. If a large family passed by and was robbed by bandits or simply kidnapped, it would be too late to regret it.

Vanity haunts people!

But this is Shao Yunyun's own intention. If something really happened, he deserved it...

He was too lazy to persuade.

Although he didn't persuade him, Shao Liulang couldn't help but complain to his parents at home.

How can the big mouths of Shao Sanshu and Ma Shi keep their words? The two were very convinced of their son, and what the son said was definitely right.

So it is necessary to talk nonsense everywhere in the village.

It has been passed on from time to time, and after various intentional or unintentional processing changes, it can be imagined what the final transmission has become.

It made Fang Shi angry, and cut the couple again.

As soon as Zhao Shu saw it, he came up with an idea and said with a smile: "These people don't understand anything, they are talking nonsense. Why don't we go to Anzezhou and come back safely? The journey is not far, it's easy. Song is on his way slowly, it takes less than half a month to go back and forth! Otherwise, let's go!"

"The fifth brother and the fifth sister-in-law must also miss us very much! We went there now, just to give them a surprise!"

Zhao Shu's idea was very good, and the big house of the Shao family was very tempted.

Especially Shao Sanlang, he has been to the provincial capital a lot in the past two years. Because he is in charge of these industries, he has more contacts with outsiders, and his vision is naturally different. You especially want to go to Anzezhou to see and see the world. .

That's where his brother is the parental official!

So I also agreed with Zhao Shu's idea very much, and kept saying yes.

Tao Tao also wants to go, she misses fifth brother and fifth sister-in-law...

Mr. Fang also wanted to go, especially to see his grandson who he had never seen before.

Although he has many children and grandchildren, the children of the son who has always been the most valued are of course not the same.

But now it's almost the end of the year. It's half a month on the road, and I will stay in Anze for a few days. It's over twenty days, and it will be the twelfth lunar month when I come back. It is impossible for Fang to come out at this time. so far away.

Nowadays, there are many things at home at the end of the year, and there are many people who come to give New Year gifts. There are also people who need to visit people who give New Year gifts~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You have to prepare early.

If Qiao Xuan was at home, these matters would not be a problem in Qiao Xuan's hands.

Xu's is not this material! Yang Xiaoni? That idiot plus foodie, let alone.

Mrs Fang simply asked Zhao Shu to accompany Shao Sanlang and Yang Xiaoni to An Zezhou, greeted the family, and went to see An An.

Bring them something by the way.

I haven't had time to make bacon or something, and it's not too late to bring it back in the next year.

Shao Sanlang and Yang Xiaoni were very happy. They rode the carriage for a long journey, and there were people waiting for them. They didn't have to worry about their own clothing, food, housing and transportation. There must be many good things that the family can't eat in Anzezhou. full of hope.

------off topic-----

Asking for a monthly ticket, okay?



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