Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1924: meet relatives

Remember [] for a second,!

The fat chicken and abalone soup has been boiled, and various dishes are being prepared. At this moment, Zhao Shu, Shao Sanlang, Yang Xiaoni and the others arrived.

After Zhao Shu got engaged to Tao Tao, he wanted to spread the word so that the whole world knew that everyone in the Anze Prefecture Queen's Office did not know that he was the prospective sister-in-law of the Zhizhou Lord.

Moreover, generous, handsome people will be very popular everywhere.

As soon as Zhao Shu arrived, the door was filled with joy, and he hurriedly invited in with a wide-eyed smile, while sending someone to report to Lord Zhizhou and his wife.

The door flew too fast to report that Zhao Shu didn't have time to say that Shao Sanlang and Yang Xiaoni were also here.

Shao Sanlang and Yang Xiaoni smiled and didn't care, and said that they would give Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun a surprise later.

Sure enough, when Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun saw Shao Sanlang and Yang Xiaoni who came in with Zhao Shu, they both stared in shock!

"Fifth brother! Fifth brother and sister!"

"Five brothers and five sisters!"

The two were very happy and ran towards Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun.

Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun finally came to their senses. It was real, not a dream! The family really came!

"Third Brother!"

"Three sisters!"

"Hey! It's great to see you at last!"

"The fifth brother deserves to be an official, it's not the same as before! Look, how majestic, more majestic than our county magistrate in Heshan County, hahahaha!"

"The fifth siblings are getting more and more beautiful! Hey, this is An An, right? How handsome! Come and let San Auniang hug you!"

Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun also kept laughing and asked, "Why did you all come here suddenly? Don't tell me that someone will come to say hello first!", "Father and mother are still tough, right? Are you all right at home?", "Where's Taotao? What does she do on weekdays now?", "How is the school in our village? Is your teacher teaching well? Are there any children in the village who like to study? How is Junyan's reading?", "How is our family's industry?", "Is there nothing at home on weekdays?", "..."

There were questions and answers, and some questions were not answered. Everyone talked and laughed for a while, and the excitement gradually calmed down after incoherent nonsense.

Zhao Shu hurriedly smiled and said, "Third brother and third sister-in-law, we are here. Naturally, we will stay here for a few more days with fifth brother and fifth sister-in-law. When talking, brothers and sisters-in-law, don't worry!"

"That's true," Qiao Xuan said with a smile, "you must be tired all the way, so hurry down to wash your face and have a cup of tea to take a break. Even if you came suddenly, the guest room was not tidy up in advance, but on weekdays It's all cleaned~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I can live there, but don't dislike it!"

Yang Xiaoni smiled and said: "The fifth brother and sister are out of the question. How can our peasant family pay so much attention, let alone our own family! The fifth brother and sister are better than anywhere else!"

Several people laughed.

Qiao Xuan ordered Li Xia and Li Qiu, who they knew, to lead Shao Sanlang and Zhao Shu to the guest room respectively, and smiled again: "You guys should have dinner after a while, it's a coincidence that you guys are here, we happen to be tonight. I plan to eat hot pot, so I have prepared a lot of ingredients!"


"It's great, we really have a good time, haha!"

"I'm fine with everything else, I'm just greedy for the craftsmanship of the five brothers and sisters!"

"Me too!"

Not to mention that Shao Sanlang and Yang Xiaoni are foodies, even Zhao Shu couldn't help but look forward to hearing this.



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