Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1928: It's been a long time

Remember [] for a second,!

Zhao Shu talked endlessly and said a series of arrangements.

It can be seen that this person has been plotting for a long time and has already made a plan!

Shao Yunyun was very speechless... He was a little bit dumbfounded, and also moved a bit that he would never admit. In all fairness, this guy Zhao Shu really cares about Taotao.

Shao Yunyun did not express any objection to Zhao Shu's series of arrangements, which was equivalent to acquiescence.

It's just that Jiangnan and Heshan County are too far away. After Tao Tao's marriage, it will be easy to meet her and Qiao Xuan in the future, but it will be difficult to go back to Shaoding Village. A bit sad.

Yang Xiaoni was also very reluctant to leave Qiao Xuan, and repeatedly told her that the weather was a little warmer after the Chinese New Year, so she must take An An back soon! Everyone in the family misses them, especially An An.

Moreover, they have not entered the mountain for a long time! When Qiao Xuan goes back, she must go into the mountains again, what fun in the mountains...

Having said that, I can't help but miss Xiao Qi, this is divided - it's so melancholy!

Only increases the hurt.

Yang Xiaoni almost shed tears, which made Qiao Xuan feel sad and a little dumbfounded. She quickly agreed with a smile, urged them, and watched their carriage leave.

The distance between the capital and Anze Prefecture is thousands of miles.

Under normal circumstances, the big bosses in the capital would not pay attention to such a remote and useless place as Anzezhou.

The bandits in Anze Prefecture are serious, and the big bosses in the capital don't care.

After all, they are so far apart, can the bandits in Anzezhou still influence the capital? As long as no one raised the flag to rebel and caused no large-scale casualties, the imperial court would not intervene.

However, An Zezhou was the place where Shao Yunyun was sent out. Unintentionally or not, more eyes turned towards this side.

And the mountain bandit cottages in Anze Prefecture were slaughtered cleanly by Shao Yunyun. When the news reached the capital, the government and the opposition were shaken!

Master Shao can not only study, but also suppress bandits. A major problem that has plagued Anze Prefecture for more than a decade, how long has Mr. Shao been gone? How many people almost dropped their jaws by actually solving this matter!

Who dares to say that Master Shao is incompetent?

Those who waited to see Lord Shao crying and repenting, trying to find an opportunity and begging to return to Beijing, were even more embarrassed and embarrassed, and the boss was boring.

Tian Shanshan was so excited that she didn't sleep all night, her thoughts were surging, and her heart was hot.

She covered her chest, her face flushed, her eyes were shining, her thoughts were in vain, with a fascinated smile on her face~www.wuxiaspot.com~ She really did not see the wrong person, her vision has never been out of standard...

Even in such a remote place with poor mountains and rivers, even if he was exiled, he was still strong and unyielding, persevering, still full of confidence and fighting spirit, and achieved amazing results.

No other person can do this!

The more Tian Shanshan thought about it, the hotter she became, the strange and proud feeling almost stunned her mind, making her feel extremely happy and proud.

However, thinking of Qiao Xuan, Tian Shanshan's hot heart gradually cooled down again, gradually filled with anger and unwillingness, and she can't wait to get rid of it!

Why was the lowly prostitute by his side, not her?

If there is any blemish in his life, it is undoubtedly that prostitute.

Such a person is not worthy of him at all, but he doesn't know it, or pretends he doesn't know it.

------off topic-----

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