Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1934: Renovation of 6 Hebao

Chapter 1933 Transformation of Liuhe Fort

The pine stone has also been dug a canal to lead a stream to pass around it. In the future, several pools will be dug and built to wash things.

The surrounding wasteland is also being reclaimed.

Duck farms and chicken farms are also being built and enclosed. According to Qiao Xuan's idea, in the valley of the duck farm, four shallow ponds covering an area of ​​about ten acres were excavated, and countless criss-crossing ditches and waterways were connected. A place for ducks to roam.

This lively scene is very lively and noisy. There are more than 600 people working in different places, which can solve the surplus labor in the surrounding villages and towns.

Song Shi, Liu Fu, and Yang Mu were busy staring here and there every day. Although they also brought a few capable little stewards, they still couldn't make up their minds.

Even Mian Mian is often here to help.

Qiao Xuan has already greeted Le Zhengxiao and asked him to help buy various medicinal seeds, and by the way, prepare some fruit tree seedlings, which will be ready for planting.

This piece of land has been planned in this way, and it has changed little by little. It is exactly what Qiao Xuan thought. Qiao Xuan is very satisfied, as if she can already see the prosperity and vitality of the future.

The workers who came to work all knew what they were doing and what they were going to do in the future. They all praised and envied when they talked and talked.

It's not that they haven't seen the manor of the landlord's family, but it's the first time they've seen a manor with such a plan that people can't help but envy and yearn after hearing it.

Chickens and ducks are full of flocks, medicinal herbs are connected, clear canals and streams flow around, and all kinds of fruit trees are planted everywhere...

How lively that is!

Because the people who came to do the work were all nearby peasant families, the more I listened to it, the more I had to think about it.

After discussing it at home, Mrs. Shao paid her wages so happily and fairly, and she never owed money. The stewards of the Shao family who oversaw the work were also very kind, never scolding anyone, nor calling the envoys, or treating them with contempt. The lady's words are still very credible.

Since Mrs. Shao has said that, she also grows medicinal herbs in her wasteland. It is better to plant some of her own. When that time comes, I will ask Mrs. Shao's people for advice on how to manage it. The medicinal herbs produced will be sold to her without any trouble. Maybe Can you really make some money?

There are at most 10% of people in a village who think this way, but that's enough.

After discussing with people who had the same idea, they hit it off and first went to Songshi tentatively.

Who knows that Song Shi is worried about this matter, this is the task that Mrs. gave him! Someone came to look for it, and that was right in the middle. Immediately, he patted his chest and assured that the words of the madam will count, how could the madam lie!

However, if you want to grow this medicinal material, you need to grow a little more to make money~www.wuxiaspot.com~ at least two acres.

At that time, the seeds can be bought directly from the wife at a low price, and it will not cost a few dollars.

That is, in the first year, Mrs. took care of her carefully and was willing to bring everyone to make a fortune together. The price of seeds would be relatively low, and it would be difficult to say whether it was the market price in the future...

In fact, for Qiao Xuan, this kind of seed can be afforded even if it is free.

Things that can be given away for free often make people not know how to cherish them, or even despise them. Maybe there will be people who will take the seeds regardless of whether they are planted or not.

Moreover, if you can't even give up the seed money, you don't really want to sow. There is a greater chance that they will not care if they are planted.

?? Ask for monthly ticket support, bow and thank my sisters and relatives!



(End of this chapter)

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