Chapter 2101 Deception

Sun Bai reported to Shao Yunyun with contempt on his face.

Shao Yunyun believed in Sun Bai's judgment, so it seems that there is no need to keep this head of Li.

Shao Yunyun wrote a letter and asked him to take it back to Liu Zhifu.

The letter center calmly put on a reconciliation gesture, An Zezhou really has no money or food, and has no preparation at all, so I am very sorry this time.

If the prefect must pay the taxes in An Zezhou, then it will start this year. After the autumn harvest, he will pay according to the rules.

Shao Yunyun meant to delay, but also meant to express his position, saying that An Zezhou did not want to fight against the prefect.

When autumn comes, basically another year has passed. Who knows what the general trend of the world will be like then?

Shao Yunyun asked Qingyan to copy the letter he had written, sealed the letter that Qingyan had copied, and handed it over to Li Zhaotou, and released him and his remaining soldiers.

Shao Yunyun originally thought that Liu Zhifu would understand what he meant when he saw the letter, and at least he would not do anything against An Zezhou within this year.

This is enough.

There is no room for snoring on the side of the couch. None of the three princes will be willing to guard the half-crippled country, and they will continue to fight.

Perhaps after this year, the general trend of the world has become clear.

For these three, Shao Yunyun didn't like any of them, and he didn't plan to go to work.

At that time, no matter who controls the general situation of the world, when it becomes a foregone conclusion, it will be the day when he will hand over Anze Prefecture and resign.

Now, he just wants the people under his rule to live a safe and secure life.

He has put his heart and soul into this place, and he also has feelings, and it is impossible to leave them alone at this time.

Furthermore, in this chaotic world, he also needs a place to live and protect himself.

Shao Yunyun calculated everything accurately, but missed the calculation of people's hearts.

Li Zhetou has been with Liu Zhifu for many years, and has been confident for many years, enjoying the admiration and admiration of everyone for many years.

However, this time, he was defeated in front of a large group of men!

Lose all face, swept the majesty!

He always felt that on the way back, his subordinates did not change on the surface, but in fact everyone laughed at him and despised his incompetence.

This made him extremely embarrassed and unacceptable.

What a shame!

He hated Shao Yunyun and An Zezhou.

If it was in the past, he would naturally not be able to do anything, but in such a chaotic world, there is nothing that he dare not do or say.

An Zezhou must surrender, so that he can regain his lost majesty and No matter what Shao Yunyun wrote in the letter, Li Zhaotou did not intend to give the letter to Liu Zhifu.

On the way, he acted both hard and soft and colluded with the more than 240 remaining yamen officers. When he saw Liu Zhifu, he didn't tell the truth at all. He only said that Master Shao seemed to have noticed something. Dozens of brothers managed to escape from Anze Prefecture...

Li Zhetou pleaded guilty for this, but Liu Zhifu felt a chill in his heart again!

Li Zhaotou's words and Master Miao's words corroborated each other, and Liu Zhifu could be 100% sure: that Shao Yunyun, Shao Zhizhou, really had a different heart and really wanted to rebel!

Liu Zhifu was furious, but he didn't dare to act rashly.

It's not that I don't want to, it's that I don't dare.

With so many people under his command, he still has to retain his strength as his strength and capital. Wouldn't it be bad if it were damaged?

Li Zhetou said that there are some powerful people in An Zezhou!

(End of this chapter)

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