Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 2104: 2 The Prince's Office

Chapter 2103 Someone from the Second Prince

Liu Zhifu naturally would not miss such an opportunity for revenge, he did not hesitate to speak in front of Sun Pu, and sued Shao Yun with all the fuss.

All his guesses and Master Miao's guesses turned into proven facts when they were told to Sun Pu.

What he said was justifiable and well-founded, and he took an oath, and the facts were there, so Sun Pu couldn't help but believe it.

Besides, Liu Zhifu is a fourth-rank official with real power, and he is the parent official in charge of one party. How could he lie?

Hearing that, Sun Pu felt that the name Shao Yunyun was very familiar. After thinking about it, he asked, "Shao Yunyun? Was it the champion of the first emperor when the emperor was still alive? The lackey in front of the prince?"

The Sun family supports the line of the second prince. In the past, Shao Yunyun, who was also in the same line of the prince, was born in a hostile position with the Sun family and the second prince.

If Shao Yun hadn't gotten in the way, the crown prince would have collapsed long ago.

Sun Pu naturally didn't like Shao Yunyun either.

As soon as Liu Zhifu heard this, he knew that he was on the right track, and he was secretly happy, and nodded quickly: "It's this person! This person's wolf ambitions have long had other plans! Otherwise, the dignified champion and the big red man in front of His Royal Highness the Prince. , how could he be willing to come to this place? What he did to suppress the bandits must be the bandits! Those bandits, now they are all under his command!"

"Speaking to make the general laugh, I noticed something wrong with him before I was appointed, so I sent someone to Anze Prefecture to invite him to question him. Fortunately, someone escaped and came back to report, it can be seen that Skynet is sparse and not missed..."

"What? He is so bold!" Sun Pu was disgusted when he heard this, and sneered: "He is a pedantic, stupid reading, how can he be so arrogant! I want to see what he is crazy about. "

Without His Royal Highness, what would he be?

Liu Zhifu suffered a loss from Shao Yunyun and lost face. When he heard this, it was the time to save face. He had to let the other county magistrates under his rule see what would happen if they didn't listen to him and offended him.

He has to kill the chickens to show the monkeys, and he has to find his way back.

"The general is wise! Such a person is not worthy of the general to go out in person, and it has tarnished the general's prestige. It is better to send someone to call him when the official is down, and then the general will interrogate him well."

Sun Pu didn't plan to go to Anzezhou in person, only Shao Yunyun, where could he go to work in person?

Their Sun family is a family outside the emperor. When the emperor takes over the whole world, their Sun family will definitely become the first family of the Qin Dynasty. He is the cousin of the emperor's direct relative. At that time, it will be appropriate to be a prince. His identity is very precious. !

Since Liu Zhifu is willing to serve, why should he stop it?

"That being the case, you quickly send someone over~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to bring that Shao and all the arresters and arresters under his command to this general, and this general will personally interrogate him!"

"Yes, General!"

Liu Zhifu was overjoyed and immediately went back to discuss with Master Miao.

When Master Miao thought about what he had seen and heard in Anzezhou City, and the embarrassment of Li Zhetou's group, he was still a little worried.

He dared not go.

Even with General Sun backing him now, he wouldn't dare!

Then Shao Zhizhou's group is very difficult to provoke at first sight, what if the evil turns to the person who is timid and angry and kills it? Even in the end, they couldn't escape General Sun's severe punishment, and their lives were gone.

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(End of this chapter)

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