Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 2108: Hades is good to see little devils

Chapter 2107 Hades is good to see little devils

Liu Zhifu and Li Zhetou don't know how many bad things they said about the adults in front of General Sun and the Sun family. From their face-to-face attitudes, it can be seen that they may not have any kindness towards the adults...

Shao Yunyun's heart also sank suddenly.

The Sun family was already on the opposite side of him. If it was the real Sun family who came this time, he was sure to be able to persuade one or two, at least for the time being, it would not be a problem to keep Anze Prefecture.

But it was the general of the Sun family who came.

The King of Hell is so good at seeing little devils, and the Sun family's family will not be the master of the Sun family. He only needs to know that he is on the side of the prince, which is enough for him to stand firm and make a decision.

Can't talk to them at all...

Shao Yun sighed secretly, now he can only stabilize people first, everything can be vague and deal with it like this.

It seemed that he had to go to the provincial capital.

Li Zhetou stared at Shao Yunyun and Jia Heming who were riding in front of him, and the more he looked, the more hated he felt in his heart.

Of course, what he hates most is Shao Yunyun, but Shao Yunyun is Lord Zhizhou, and he doesn't dare to go too far.

But Jia Heming was a district chief, so he didn't want to endure it any longer.

The last time he was ordered by Jia Heming to be sent to the prison for interrogation, the humiliation he will never forget for the rest of his life.

Vicious and courageous, Li Zhaitou suddenly steered forward, raised the whip in his hand and slapped Jia Heming's horse in the eye as if he was inadvertently, laughing in his mouth, "Wait a moment, Jia Zhoucheng, I have a few words to say to Jia Zhoucheng. Speak!"

Sun Qian, who was staggered behind Jia Heming's side, was quick-witted, and the long sword in his hand was instantly unsheathed, cutting off Li Caotou's whip.

Jia Heming's mount narrowly avoided this dangerous blow, but he was still quite frightened. If the guards around him hadn't grabbed the frightened horse in time, Jia Heming, a weak scholar, would have been thrown to the ground.

Jia Heming was so shocked that his face turned pale, his heart was beating wildly, he turned his head suddenly and glared at Li Shatou.

Li Zhetou, on the contrary, the wicked complained first, and pointed at Sun Bai with the whip in his hand, and scolded Sun Bai sharply: "It's presumptuous! Such rudeness, what kind of rules are this! A small yaman under Lord Shao's commander is powerful enough!"

Sun Meng originally regarded Shao Yunyun as an enemy, and wholeheartedly wanted to clean up Shao Yunyun to vent his anger for his emperor and his master.

Li Zhaotou still has the ability to observe words and expressions~www.wuxiaspot.com~ When he saw this, he was secretly delighted, and his expression became more and more serious: "Sir Shao should give this catcher an explanation!"

Jia Heming was angry, "You—"

Shao Yunyun interrupted him immediately: "I don't know what explanation Li Zhaotou wants?"

Li Zhoutou only thought that Shao Yun was afraid of him, and sneered: "This man is just wanton provocation by drawing his sword and committing murder. I don't know what to do, shouldn't Master Shao explain it?"

"I think Li Zhaotou has misunderstood," Shao Yunyun smiled and said lightly, "Sun Bai is not wanton provocation, he is hardworking, and he is helping Li Zhaotou!"


Not to mention Li Zhetou's dazed expression, even Sun Meng, Jia Heming, and even Sun Bai himself were all stunned for a while.

Shao Yunyun said nonsense in a serious manner: "Li Zhaitou's whip just missed its head and almost startled the horse. Wouldn't it be bad if the horse was startled and knocked Li Zhaitou over? Or it might cause a riot and hurt others. If you don't know it, you must think that Li Zhaotou is domineering and bullying others, isn't it bad?"

(End of this chapter)

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