Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 2122: do you want to rebel

Chapter 2121 Do you want to rebel

The Fan family must have sent Fan Ruyin to harm him, right? It must be!

Sure enough, the laughter of the people made Sun Meng and the others look extremely ugly and embarrassed, and they were all angry and embarrassed!

"Shao Yunyun! Are you trying to rebel!"

Sun Meng scolded him sharply, and his subordinates stared at Shao Yunyun with black faces.

If it wasn't in Anze Prefecture at the moment, Shao Yunyun didn't doubt that they would come to deal with him.

Shao Yunyun took a deep breath and said calmly: "What is General Sun saying? Why bother with an ignorant woman who is so angry that she can't say anything?"

Sun Meng sneered: "You have always been cunning, and the general does not believe a word of your words! It is easy for you to prove your innocence. This woman humiliates the emperor and must not be spared. I will take them away! And these foolish people, How dare you laugh at the emperor, this is disrespectful! What should I do without being taught by this general? What are you waiting for, Mr. Shao! These yamen of yours are not ready for decoration?"

Fan Ruyin's mother and daughter were startled! The people were also shocked!

Although the big guy didn't accept Sun Meng's words at all, he also knew that this "general" who appeared out of nowhere seemed to have some identity.

Seeing him speak so viciously at this moment, I was even more startled.

The premise of eating melons and watching the fun is safety. If it will cause disaster, it will not be worthwhile.

The cowardly was so frightened that he hurriedly left, raised his head, and everyone else fled after him.

"What are you still doing? Arrest them all for me!" Sun Meng yelled at the yamen.

The yamen did not move, and looked at Shao Yunyun subconsciously.

Sun Meng was even more angry when he saw this. He pointed at Shao Yunyun and sneered: "Okay, okay, it seems that Master Shao really wants to rebel! Do it!"

With a loud roar, Sun Meng rushed towards Shao Yunyun first. Although the brothers under his command were arrogant and domineering because of their status, in this troubled world, especially those who practice martial arts, they don't have a few pounds. It is impossible to come forward with a few real skills.

Sun Meng was able to come out from the crowd and become a family general who was trusted and valued by his master, and of course he also had his two brushes.

And he also understands very well that it is useless to rely on one's own ability, only if all the brothers under him are strong.

Naturally, the subordinates he selected and gathered together could not be all shams.

When it's time to fight, everyone is fierce.

Hang Xingshan and Aye are both here~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and there are also a group of yamen who have been strictly trained. How could Sun Meng succeed?

Shao Yunyun even had time to hold Qiao Xuan to protect her.

Hang Xingshan and Ah Ye shouted, "Protect Your Excellency!" They fought with Sun Meng and the others.

The street became more panicked, and the people ran away screaming and screaming. You pushed me and I hit you, this one stepped on that one, that one stumbled and brought down another one. The scene was in chaos.

As soon as they fought, the expressions of Sun Meng and the others changed, and they were still a little panicked.

Hang Xingshan and Aye are too strong! These yamen are all good at fighting, and they are much more brutal and powerful than them.

It is completely different from the yamen they have seen elsewhere!

This is tantamount to evidence, hard evidence.

In such a remote and broken place, it is impossible for a normal yamen to have such a powerful yamen. This Shao Yunyun's ambition is completely obvious.

(End of this chapter)

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