Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 2130: finally at ease

Chapter 2129 finally at ease

Shao Yunyun sternly threatened, and Sun Meng's arrogant arrogance disappeared, trembling and begging for mercy.

Shao Yunyun asked what to answer, lest he would be whipped for not answering fast enough.

He is a powerful man, and he dared to be arrogant at first, but Li Zhetou was dumbfounded and dumbfounded...

Weeping and repenting, I begged for mercy with sincerity and fear, expressing my willingness to be a **** in the horse, and let Master Shao send him.

Don't look at how he kept saying that Shao Yunyun rebelled at first, but he and Liu Zhifu knew very well that this was their frame.

How could he have imagined that Shao Yunyun really "rebelled"?

Shao Yunyun didn't even want to say a word to Li Zhaotou, which was disgusting.

After four days had passed since that night, Shao Yunyun escorted Li Zhaotou and a dozen minions sent by Liu Zhifu, and Zheng Sangge, Sun Bai, Sun Qian, and Wu Guan led two thousand troops to the provincial capital. Take down.

Shao Yunyun led a team of 300 people to set out in the morning, followed by Li Zhao first class, pretending to be the team they came before.

Zheng Sanger and others set off at night, and waited in ambush outside the provincial capital to respond.

Although they only went to 2,000 people, these 2,000 people were all elites, and Zheng Sangge, Sun Bai, Sun Qian, and Wu Guan were not easy to mess with, so it was more than enough to take the provincial capital by surprise.

Qiao Xuan and Jia Heming stayed in Anze Prefecture, and Anze Prefecture's patrol and defense was several times stronger than usual.

On the official road between Anze Prefecture and the provincial capital, several groups of people disguised themselves and squatted along the way, so that news from the provincial capital could be sent back as soon as possible.

Qiao Xuan was very aware of the strength of Zheng Sanger, Sun Bai and others, but compared to them, those under the prefect of Liu Zhifu only had to look at Li Zhetou to know.

The Sun family, there may not be any powerful characters coming here.

However, until the dust settles, anything is possible.

She believed in Shao Yunyun, and couldn't help but subconsciously think about the possibility.

Since Shao Yunyun and the others left, Qiao Xuan has never felt at ease, and she can't help but think wildly.

Fortunately, Tao Tao, An An, Mrs. Jia, Li Xia and Li Qiu were with me, and the suffering day by day was calm.

Three days later~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Qiao Xuan finally received the news from the provincial capital. In addition to the official letter to Jia Heming, Shao Yunyun also wrote a letter to Qiao Xuan.

Although the handwriting was a bit scribbled, it could be seen that it was written in a hurry, but the dust has finally settled, Qiao Xuan can be regarded as a heartbreaker, and she celebrated with Taotao, Madam Jia and others.

The next day, Jia Heming handed over the affairs in Anze Prefecture to two clerks, who were supervised by Qiao Xuan. All official letters and decrees were issued only if she used Shao Yunyun's personal seal to be valid. Jia Heming hurried to the provincial capital with a few capable left and right hands.

After taking over the provincial capital, many things had to be re-arranged. Shao Yunyun could completely trust the people of Anze Prefecture.

Jia Heming is the most meticulous in these common affairs, no matter how tedious things are in his hands, he can quickly sort out the clues, of course, he is indispensable.

After another ten days, Shao Yunyun finally came back with a group of people.

In the first battle, Liu Zhifu, Li Zaitou, including the Sun family, as well as the prisoners originally captured in Anze Prefecture, Shao Yunyun all released them and drove them out of Huaixi Province.

(End of this chapter)

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