Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 2139: If you can stay in the Shao family, there is always a chance

Chapter 2138 To stay in the Shao family, there is always a chance

Good idea.

Fan Ruyin said in her heart, as long as she can stay in the Shao family, there will always be a chance.

She could see it, and if she wanted to stay with Master Shao, Mrs. Shao had to nod her head. It is too difficult to pass Mrs. Shao!

It's not that she hadn't thought about finding another way to please Fang's mother-in-law, but it was more difficult.

Mrs Fang is not the kind of old lady who likes to be courteous and flattered by others, and even though she is old, she is quite a shrewd person. It's not that easy to win her favor.

Not to mention that she didn't even bother to see the guests later.

She still trusted Qiao Xuan so much that she let Qiao Xuan make up her mind on almost everything.

If the husband and mother-in-law are eating steadily, what else can others think of?

Because of this, Fan Ruyin and Bai Ruirui's idea of ​​passing Qiao Xuan was completely dispelled.

Because this road is completely hopeless and completely unworkable!

Besides, Qiao Xuan gave birth to the eldest son! Unless they have the ability to replace her, otherwise, they should honestly submit and flatter her to please her.

Although he was somewhat unwilling, he thought that Shao Yunyun was going to be the emperor in the future, and if he pleases Qiao Xuan, he could be a noble concubine anyway.

Why isn't it better than marrying an ordinary family?

Besides, who knows what will happen next? In the harem, everything is possible, who said that you have to be the queen of the palace to be successful? Look at the empress of the late emperor, not so much!

The third prince came from the Empress of the Palace, so the fourth prince was driven out of the capital and ended up in Jiangning.

So, what is the temporary status and winning or losing? The days ahead are still long.

Of course, this kind of thought should be buried deep in my heart, and it must not be revealed in front of Mrs. Shao. Especially now.

For now, it is enough to treat Madam Shao respectfully as a mistress from the bottom of her heart.

More haste less speed. This is a truth that Bai Ruirui and Fan Ruyin have learned over the past two years.

Therefore, at this moment, Bai Ruirui had an idea and begged to stay by Qiao Xuan's side to serve and serve.

Fan Ruyin was stunned for a while, but she immediately reacted, and hurriedly asked with a smile, "Yes, yes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Mrs. Shao, the concubine is stupid and can't speak, and it always makes Mrs. Shao unhappy! But please Mrs. Shao to believe that there is absolutely no malice in her concubine!"

"The concubine also begged Mrs. Shao to be kind and left Rui Rui to accompany her to serve her. Rui Rui will definitely serve her loyally. !"

The mother and daughter sang together, completely confusing Qiao Xuan!

She simply did not believe what they called "loyalty" and "sincere sincerity".

However, with such a heart-to-heart, what are they thinking? What are you asking for?

Is her husband's popularity so high? The Fan family is so confident in her husband's ability, and values ​​her husband's future so much?

Has the matter of burning the cold stove in advance been so involved? ?

Qiao Xuan glanced at the two of them and smiled lightly: "Okay, Mrs. Bo and Miss Bo, please come back, I still say that, when the disaster comes out of my mouth, it will be too late to regret it!"

(End of this chapter)

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