Chapter 2147 Revenge

As a result, he ended up throwing away his helmet and armour and fled.

I have accumulated so many years of family property, so much silver, so much gold, so many jewelry antiques, rare calligraphy and paintings...

And the whole set of finely crafted huanghuali furniture, as well as so many fine silk and satin, and the best orchids that he has carefully maintained for so many years - can't think about it anymore, his heart is really going to hurt died!

Liu Zhifu wept bitterly and repented, scolding himself for being confused.

However, Shao Yunyun's wolf ambition has long been scheming for rebellion, how could he not guard against himself? What he is going to do, he will cover it up.

It is also because he is too insidious and cunning, that is why he has kept everything in the dark, and he has gotten into the situation he is today!

Speaking of which, it's all your own fault, you shouldn't trust him too much, you shouldn't take it lightly...

Sun Pu's anger dissipated a little, but he resented Shao Yun even more, wishing he could exterminate the nine clans.

"What kind of thing is he? He dares to rebel! Don't even look at how much he weighs! If he hadn't been caught off guard, how could he have lost in the hands of a sour scholar!"

Sun Pu was furious, and immediately dispatched his troops, gathering 20,000 troops and horses, ready to march towards the Huaixi provincial capital.

Wherever it was lost, of course, it must be found there.

Otherwise, his dignified son, the direct son of General Sun, would be shameless!

Besides, the emperor's cousin asked himself to be responsible for consolidating and subduing this land, but he patted his chest in front of him and promised to complete the task.

Whatever he said, he had to take down Huaixi Province!

Unexpectedly, it started to rain.

The torrential rain poured down like a river, like a river bursting its banks, and the ground was covered with ocean.

Such weather is obviously not conducive to marching, and if nothing else, food and grass alone will not be able to supply.

And the roads in this area are not good. On rainy days, there are potholes and muddy places everywhere. Ten thousand troops marching forward like this, not to mention majestic, murderous, and imposing like rainbows, they are simply a group of soup chickens!

Sun Pu had to wait patiently.

After waiting for seven or eight days, Sun Pu was so angry!

What the **** did God do against him!

That's fine, but it turned out that he originally wanted to lead a rush of troops to attack Huaixi provincial capital by surprise, but who knew that he was set up in an ambush by the other party.

Although the large troop recovered quickly, but lost two or three hundred people, this tone is even more aggrieved!

Anxious to attack the Huaixi provincial capital, it has already been exposed, there is no way to attack it if you are not Simply set up a battle and kill it.

Ten thousand horses is enough! How many can Shao Yunyun really send out?

Sun Pu was right on this point. Shao Yunyun could only send out less than 3,000, which was far from 10,000.

However, with Zheng Sangge, Sun Baisun Qian and others around, how could Sun Pu take advantage of me!

Sun Pu invited the battle, and the generals he sent to the battle almost asked Sun Bai to kill him. He was so angry that he almost yelled at him. He immediately ordered to attack and beat the drums. Hold the city head.

No matter how Sun Pu's people called, they would not come out.

Sun Pu was angry and ordered someone to attack, but he didn't take any advantage.

Sun Pu, who had nothing to do, could only send people in the city every day to scold and humiliate him, in an attempt to provoke the opponent to fight.

No one from Shao Yunyun came to fight, but one night, a thousand elite soldiers were dispatched to raid at night, killing Sun Pu's people, throwing their helmets and armors away!

(End of this chapter)

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