Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 2160: did not expect

Chapter 2159 did not expect

On this day, Fan Ruyin sent someone to deliver a greeting card and wanted to visit Qiao Xuan.

Qiao Xuan was speechless for a while.

Why is this man here again? Didn't you understand what I told her before?

She was close, but he didn't respond to her at all.

"It's all from An Zezhou!" This kind of reason doesn't work, at least it doesn't work for Qiao Xuan. Fan Ruyin has already been blocked by her once, so she still doesn't have a long memory?

"Don't pay attention to her, tell her that I'm busy, I don't have time to see her, and tell her not to come again!"

First, Qiao Xuan didn't want to have anything to do with her anymore, and second, she was really busy! Where is the time to go back and forth with someone like her who doesn't get along with her.

Li Qiu went out and replied to Fan Ruyin in person, with a straight face, but she didn't show any kindness to her, thinking she was a stranger who didn't like her.

Fan Ruyin like this, if she smiled at her, polite and soft, I am afraid that she will slap her nose on her face.

Fan Ruyin came excitedly, but she poured a basin of cold water on her head, which made her angry.

She held back her anger and smiled and wanted to inquire about something from Li Qiu, but Li Qiu didn't have the energy to deal with her, so she was too lazy to talk to her, and dismissed her in a few words.

Fan Ruyin had never suffered from this kind of anger, and she was so embarrassed that she wanted to vomit blood. If she hadn't known that Shao Yunyun was going to stand out in the future, she would have scolded Li Qiu!

But just because she knew, she didn't dare!

Fan Ruyin swallowed her anger and left the backyard of the mansion. When she returned to her residence, she couldn't help but get angry. The maid who was just waiting for her made a small mistake, and she was caught and scolded for a while, which made her feel better.

Bai Ruirui was waiting for her news, she thought it was good news, but she was disappointed to see her mother like this.

"Mother, this - how could this be!"

"Who knew she was so ungrateful!" Fan Ruyin rushed up in anger, "Hmph, she thought she was now the prefect's wife, which is amazing, but she doesn't know that the greater the power of Lord Shao, the worse it is for her. Only then will she know how good-looking it is!"

Bai Ruirui's face also changed: "What? Mrs. Shao, she doesn't admit it!"

Fan Ruyin sneered: "She hasn't even seen me, so naturally she can't admit it!"

The mother and daughter can only say that they are too confident and a little naive.

Before Sun Pu's army was on the line, people in the city were floating, and many people were even secretly considering the way back and preparing for the way back, but Fan Ruyin and Bai Ruirui were Shao Yunyun's die-hard supporters, and they often went to the East and the West. Home Run~www.wuxiaspot.com~ worked very hard to say good things for Shao Yunyun.

It can be said that the two played a positive role in calming people's hearts.

They originally thought that what they had done would definitely reach Shao Yunyun and Qiao Xuan's ears. There is a saying that adversity is the truth, and the couple would definitely change their minds towards their mother and daughter and feel good about them.

Therefore, Fan Ruyin took the initiative to visit again.

She was quite confident when she went there, and she felt that Qiao Xuan would definitely entertain her with a smile on her face.

And also thank yourself.

She had already made up her mind. When Qiao Xuan expressed her gratitude, she must be humble. And this time, you must not make any demands from Qiao Xuan.

As long as you have this good start, there will be opportunities in the future.

Who knows, Qiao Xuan's attitude towards her is the same as before, and there is no change at all. Not only did he not see her, he even sent a maid to talk to her with such an attitude!

(End of this chapter)

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