Chapter 2163 Old confused

Some families feel that they can select suitable girls from the family well, teach them well, and train them well, and they will always come in handy in the future...

Qiao Xuan originally had her own solution. Although it might make people feel dissatisfied with her secretly, it would not make people have excuses to attack her.

But since Shao Yunyun has done this for her, she will not say anything hypocritical.

His heart, she accepted it.

This feeling of being cared for by him actually made her feel very sweet.

Qiao Xuan then held another grand banquet, inviting ladies and gentlemen to the banquet and giving them a warm welcome.

All the ladies and ladies naturally came to join in, eating, drinking and playing, talking and laughing, and looking at Qiao Xuan with a slightly different look and exploration.

There were also people who dared to try one or two, but they were pushed back by Qiao Xuan neither softly nor hard.

Otherwise, if you can't get off the stage by yourself, wouldn't it be a joke for others to see?

As everyone knows, Qiao Xuan wished that someone would run into him as a bird, just to kill the chicken and warn the monkey.

Sure enough, when everyone saw this, they knew that Mrs. Shao was not so easy to mess with, and the cub didn't dare to despise her.

Others are acceptable, but Fan Ruyin's mother and daughter are about to go crazy!

Not only them, but Mrs. Fan couldn't sit still, so she sent her confidant, Mrs. Liu, to come over to see the situation and help Fan Ruyin by the way.

Fan Ruyin was annoying, she didn't seem very happy when she got help, but she was more angry and told the situation with a sneer, waiting to see what good ideas Liu Mammy could have!

Madam Liu was also a little dumbfounded.

People in the provincial capital don't know Mrs. Shao Shao, and who doesn't know the people in Anze Prefecture?

I thought that Master Shao is not what it used to be, and it will be different from before when he is proud of the spring breeze and complacent. How could he have thought... He is still so arrogant!

Madam Liu was actually a little puzzled. It was true that Master Shao won two battles, but he also occupied such a small amount of territory, not to mention more than the three emperors of Qin, even compared with other major forces. It's a lot worse, why the old lady and the auntie are so concerned about Master Shao, as if they believe that Master Shao will definitely come out on top in the end.

I can't wait to tie the entire Fan family and Master Shao firmly together!

But, who could have predicted such a thing? What a shrewd person the old lady used to be, why is she confused now.

And my auntie too, why did she get up like this...

Madam Liu, relying on her, couldn't help but persuade old lady Fan, but she was impatiently reprimanded by old lady Fan, and asked her to just do what she did and leave nothing else.

Madam Liu could only take orders with a belly full of doubts.

I thought that my auntie was just like her, forced by an old and confused old lady. But at this moment, it seems that the aunt is even more anxious than the old lady!

This is really evil...

Madam Liu is worthy of her scheming, and she quickly gave Fan Ruyin a trick, "If that's the case, then force Madam Shao to let go of her own accord. As long as Madam Shao cares about her reputation, she doesn't believe that she will do nothing!"

Fan Ruyin's eyes lit up.

He clapped his hands and smiled and said, "You can try this idea, but it's a secret."

Madam Liu smiled disapprovingly: "As long as you have money, of course you can do it in secret!"

Fan Ruyin handed the matter over to Mama Liu.

(End of this chapter)

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