Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 2171: intentionally solicit

Chapter 2170 intentional solicitation

"He is the first-ranking scholar appointed by the late emperor, but he did not expect that he would try to meddle in the land of Daqin, the wolf's ambition, shameless and hateful!"

The second prince held his breath and said, "That said, if it wasn't for Sun Pu's pressing step by step and putting people on the label of treason, he wouldn't have been so unstoppable! Since he believed that Shao Yun was treasonous, if he could keep quiet. It would be fine if he suddenly attacked and captured him in one fell swoop, but he was so frightened that not only did he fail to take them down, but he repeatedly called them to be beaten to the point of losing their armor! All told him to throw it all away!"

"Uncle, you are a veteran of the battlefield, and Sun Pu is your son, but you can't even beat a weak scholar. Talk about it, it's not shameful to say it!"

General Sun also felt a little hot and embarrassed on his face, but now that he is in a high position and has more self-confidence, he naturally refuses to easily lose face in front of the second prince.

Then he insisted: "Your Majesty, calm down, Pu'er is not bad, but he has always been upright and upright, but Shao Yunyun has always been a sinister, cunning and cunning person, with a lot of conspiracy and tactics, when it comes to fighting heart, where is Pu'er his opponent? This, it is inevitable that you will suffer a loss for a while. The emperor can rest assured that this young generation will not be proud of it for a long time, and it will not be too late to recover this debt when the emperor and the old ministers and teachers return to the court!"

General Sun didn't plan to go out and attack Shao Yunyun in person. In his opinion, Shao Yunyun was not worthy.

He went out in person, wouldn't that be too flattering for Shao Yunyun?

But he will send his cronies there, and he will make some arrangements to explain.

When facing his own emperor, he did not change his face, but in fact he was so angry in his heart! This **** Shao Yunyun, dared to humiliate his Sun Jia Erlang like this, dared to kill so many soldiers, it hurts just thinking about it.

He must pay his debts with blood!

The second prince let out a long sigh, looked at General Sun and said in deep thought: "This Shao Yunyun is really good, I didn't expect that not only the strategy is outstanding, but even the marching formation is so well-organized, it is rare... Uncle, you said If I promise to recruit him with great benefits, will he be willing to serve me?"

The second prince is so regretful that his bowels are turning green! How could he forget Shao Yunyun?

Should have remembered it long ago!

I should have remembered it earlier, and then recruited it.

Shao Yunyun ruined a lot of good things for him in the past, but he doesn't actually hate him, his position is different, he is loyal to the prince, and it is normal to deal with himself.

Even so, he had to admit that he was a gentleman.

Now that the prince is gone, and the prince's son is also gone~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If he releases a kind invitation, he may not refuse to defect to himself.


General Sun was a little stunned, and his disgust arose spontaneously.

He doesn't like Shao Yunyun.

I don't like it even more now than before.

Or rather, it is a fear.

The second prince valued Shao Yunyun so much, if he came, wouldn't he have diluted the power of the Sun family? How does this work!

Not to mention that he humiliated the Sun family like this. If he really came, how could the Sun family raise their heads in front of him?

"Emperor, I'm afraid the emperor will be disappointed. Shao Yunyun is a scholar, and these scholars have many problems. He is loyal to the prince, how can he be loyal to the emperor again? Not to mention that he is a rebel now! He has hurt the emperor so much. People and horses!"

"Even if you are broad-minded and tolerant, the emperor, will he trust the emperor? The old minister thinks, he won't!"

(End of this chapter)

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