Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 2185: no more compromises

Chapter 2184 Can't Compromise Anymore

Who knows the next day, when I see Qiao Xuan again, without waiting for him to say anything, Qiao Xuan first complained unhappily: "Master Yang, why don't you send someone to inquire about my husband's whereabouts! This makes me very doubtful, what does Master Yang have? The purpose? Could it be that you want to kidnap my husband? Hmph, you guys, you keep making small moves and have no sincerity at all, how can you make people believe it?"

"The people from the Sun family tried to kidnap my husband!"

Lord Yang asked her to speak embarrassedly and annoyed.

He could only reluctantly hold his respect: "This... Madam Shao, don't be angry, this official is here, you can't even see Lord Shao, right? This official came with the imperial decree, how can I explain to the emperor when I go back? , this is not good for the reputation of Master Shao? It's not good to resist the decree!"

Qiao Xuan snorted softly: "Don't scare me! I only know that in this world, nothing is more important than life. If life is gone, where can we care about anything else? Our family has been wronged, who is it? Will you come again?"

Master Yang was angry and aggrieved by her again.

She is all delusional and rhetorical! What she said was completely wrong, and it wasn't the case at all, but it was just that this woman was arrogant, and it was useless to explain it to her.

Because she only recognizes her own reason, and can't explain it at all.

This talk is out of the question.

So Master Yang had to take the next step, he wanted to see Master Jia. If I can't see Master Shao, it's alright to see Master Jia, right?

He really didn't want to face Qiao Xuan anymore, he had a headache.

Unfortunately, even such a small request could not be fulfilled.

Because Qiao Xuan told him that Mr. Jia was very busy, especially after her husband had gone to recuperate, Mr. Jia wanted to split it into two. Now I have gone to other counties to inspect, and I don't know when I will be back.

If they are willing to wait forever, so be it.

How dare Master Yang wait? If you stay here for too long, it will inevitably cause people to think too much.

In case someone rumoured that he was "happy without thinking about Shu", how should he explain it?

After trying his best, if there is no result, he should hurry back to resume his life.

The two sides argued for three or four days. In the end, Qiao Xuan reluctantly agreed to write a letter for them to bring back.

This is the biggest concession she can make, and it is impossible to take a half step back.

Master Yang originally wanted to take advantage of the victory to pursue the attack and gain an inch of ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ after trying a few words, Qiao Xuan immediately turned her face and refused to even give it a letter. Master Yang was taken aback and didn't dare to say any more.

Two days later, Lord Yang took a letter and took those rare treasures and left Huaixi Province with Liu Zhifu.

Huaixi Province was not idle, and immediately spread the word that had already been discussed and discussed on this matter: the second prince sent someone to come to recruit security, but in view of the previous series of actions of General Sun Xiao and the fact that the Sun family is big, it is not dare to believe...

The second prince saw that the two imperial envoys returned empty-handed, and even the things he had rewarded were brought back intact, and he was secretly angry.

After hearing the report from Master Yang and Liu Zhifu, he was even more furious.

This Shao Yunyun, shameless, so bold!

However, after reading the letter, he lost his temper all of a sudden.

Lord Yang thought that the letter was written by Shao Yunyun. In fact, it was written by Qiao Xuan. After writing it, Li Qiu copied it, and then it was sealed and handed to Lord Yang.

(End of this chapter)

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