Chapter 2189 So it turns out

General Sun said: "Whether the emperor finally recruited him or not, there is only a small Shao Yunyun, and our Sun family does not need to take it seriously. He is just a clown, and there will be opportunities to settle accounts with him in the future. The most important thing at the moment is the north side. Don't put the cart before the horse."

"I know you feel uncomfortable, but this is really because you are too impulsive and underestimate the enemy, and you deserve a lesson. I will go to Xiangyang to recruit and train new soldiers someday. You go with me and hone your skills. Don't be afraid of suffering!"

Sun Pu was overjoyed when he heard that his father still planned to contaminate himself with military power. He couldn't care less about Shao Yunyun and Shao Yunyun. He nodded and smiled: "Yes, yes, what you taught me! I already know I was wrong. Don't worry, this time I will definitely handle the errand well, and I will definitely not embarrass you."

A smile appeared on General Sun's face, "It's good for you to understand Dad's painstaking efforts. It's not a bad thing for young people to suffer a little more and learn a little lesson. If you behave well, Dad will leave Shao Yunyun to you to solve it yourself."

Sun Pu's eyes lit up, and he was surprised and happy: "Thank you, Dad! Don't worry, I will practice hard, and I will be ashamed!"

At that time, he wants that dog in Shao Yunyun to kneel and kowtow in front of him! He wants to see him punch himself.

General Sun nodded in relief: "Okay, have ambition, this is the son-in-law of my Sun family!"

Sun Pu's heart was swept away, full of joy, and suddenly said, "By the way, Dad, do you still remember Zheng Sangge?"

Zheng Sanger?

of course I remember!

Although he was eager to forget it, even after many years and no contact, it was still very difficult to forget his savior.

General Sun said displeasedly, "Why do you mention him well?"

Sun Pu gritted his teeth a little: "This **** is following Shao Yunyun now! It's not just him, he brought many brothers from the past to follow Shao Yunyun. Without them, hum, Shao Yunyun may not be able to win against me..."

Shao Yunyun, a weak scholar, knows how to march and fight? However, Zheng Sanger and his brothers were different. They were all veterans on the battlefield, and their combat experience was not comparable to that of a fledgling boy like Sun Pu.

When General Sun heard this, his expression changed immediately, "What did you say? Is what you said true?"

"Of course it's true, how could I lie about this! Dad, that Zheng Sangge is really not a thing, this ungrateful bastard! I think he's taking revenge on Dad and the Sun family. He doesn't want Dad to give him benefits and repay him. Unexpectedly, he turned around and stabbed the Sun family."

"I originally thought he was really lofty, but now it seems that he just thought that his father gave too little at the beginning, so I don't want to be angry! People are big, and they want more!"

General Sun sneered.

Sun Pu's words were almost completely on his heart.

He thought so too.

Back then, he really wanted to repay Zheng Sanger and took him by his side. With the grace of saving his life, Zheng Sangge will definitely become his confidant.

But Zheng Sanger refused. Even though he was down and out, he didn't find him.

Now he appears beside Shao Yunyun and actually helps Shao Yunyun deal with his son!

Good, good, he understood him.

He just said, Shao Yunyun is just a weak scholar, how could he possibly move his son? I see!

(End of this chapter)

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