Chapter 2193 Arrival

The two boys both said, fortunately, Manager Li and Manager Mo left. If they didn't leave that day, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to leave.

Because that afternoon, the important and profitable industries of the Zhao family were forcibly taken over by the government, and the next day, all the industries fell into the hands of the prefect's brother-in-law.

The reason given by the officials was "rebellion", so all the properties of the Zhao family were confiscated.

If Shopkeeper Li and the others did not leave in time, they would all be arrested.

These little guys, except for a few sycophants who still stay and work everywhere, most of them have been dismissed.

Fortunately, Shopkeeper Li and the others were prepared in advance, and the son-in-law made preparations a long time ago, so even if the prefect's brother-in-law seized all of the Zhao family's properties, he didn't actually take much advantage.

The two young men also specifically inquired, and they were furious when they learned that the prefect's younger brother-in-law's hope had failed, and finally felt relieved...

Just thinking about that scene, Zheng Sangge and the others couldn't help laughing.

It is not difficult at all to hold this ignorant brother-in-law hostage, and opportunities are easy to find.

After all, this is the city of Hangzhou, and it is the territory of the prefect of Hangzhou. Who would dare to provoke the little brother-in-law of the prefect, no one would dare to say a word when the brother-in-law is here.

He can do whatever he wants, and he doesn't need to worry about safety at all.

What Zheng Sangge and the others have to think about is how to get out after catching him...

Five days after Zheng Sanger left Huaixi, General Sun sent someone to Huaixi with gifts. The leader is called Sun Hao, a confidant under General Sun's hands, who works quickly and neatly.

Such a thing that doesn't require much thought, just needs to implement the Sun family's attitude firmly to the end, it is more appropriate to leave it to him.

Wu Guan reluctantly sent someone to send them to the provincial capital.

The people of the Sun family were much more arrogant than the imperial envoy dispatched by the second prince, and their aloof appearance was particularly rude.

In fact, Wu Guan was really beaten.

Then the other party was stunned all of a sudden.

Although arrogance is still arrogant, after all, his eyes are fierce, and he rolls his eyes and curses behind his back, but at least the rules are much more honest on the surface, and he doesn't dare to ask for It's ridiculous. , The group arrived at Huaixi provincial capital, and when they saw Jia Heming, they became mad again.

Moreover, their generals had something important to explain, so they could only tell Shao Zhizhou and take them to see Shao Zhizhou quickly.

Jia Heming laughed angrily.

Unceremoniously, he turned back, "General Wu has his own rules for doing things, and you can't go wrong! If you are not convinced, go to General Wu yourself, he is the most reasonable person! Do you want to see Master Shao? Don't you know? Yang Didn't the imperial envoy go back to tell you? Mrs. Shao worked too hard a while ago, and is still recuperating. Our wife has sent a message, no one is allowed to disturb the adult's recuperation, but if you have any problems, just go to her! Today's inconvenience, tomorrow I can report to Mrs. Let's see if Madam sees you. If you see you, you can tell Madam directly when something happens."

Sun Hao suddenly stared, "Jia Zhoucheng, what do you mean? Do you know—"

For fear that he would say something unpleasant, Jia Heming interrupted him: "Do you know that this is Huaixi Province? General Sun, think twice before you speak!"

(End of this chapter)

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