Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 2200: Take the initiative to make it clear

Chapter 2199 Take the initiative to make it clear

There are also more villagers and tenants in Liuhezhuang, and now this place seems to be quite lively.

They played happily in the mountains for three days, and by the way, they also went hunting on the nearby hills. After receiving the news from the provincial capital, Shao Yunyun, Qiao Xuan and An An prepared to go back the next day.

Fang shi smiled and reassured them, "I know you have something to do, just go ahead, I'm watching here, don't worry! If I miss you, I'll go see you again..."

The distance between Anzezhou and the provincial capital is not very far, especially after the road has been refurbished, it starts at dawn in the morning, the carriage runs for a day, and it can also arrive in the evening.

The geographical distance has also shortened the distance of the heart, and this parting is not too melancholy.

With Mrs Fang and Taotao here, as well as Uncle Qing, Aunt Qing, etc., Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun really had nothing to worry about.

Even if something happens, they can fix it.

In the provincial capital, Zheng Sanger took the initiative to come to see Sun Hao.

But it makes Sun Hao happy! Seeing him being so active, he definitely didn't run away, he must be very, very impatient to follow him.

Since this is the case, then I have to put the shelf slightly to one end and ask him for a nomination certificate, isn't it too much? For example, teach a lesson to the one at Huaixi Pass.

Sun Hao is still a bit of a fan, and he doesn't dare to mess around in the provincial capital.

Who knows, he has just put up the air, and he has not had time to speak. Zheng Sangge, who doesn't want to talk to him, has said it clearly first.

"...Thanks to General Sun, but I don't have any big ambitions. I'm staying here very well, so I don't plan to leave. General Sun asked to report back to General Sun, saying that Zheng thanked his old man. kindness..."

Sun Hao punched in the air, and made an injustice for the old general.

"General Zheng, you have figured it out clearly. In the future, Master Shao will also follow the emperor. General Zheng, you have refused now. I am afraid that in the future... it will not look very good!"

"General Sun attaches great importance to friendship and righteousness. That's why I specially asked me to come here. Otherwise, who would remember you? Wouldn't it be too much for General Zheng to live up to General Sun's intentions?"

Zheng Sanger almost couldn't help but sneer!

General Sun attaches great importance to friendship and righteousness? Some thoughts? Is he too much?

"General Sun is very important~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I know that my life is short and I can't bear it. I still want to live two more years! General Sun doesn't need to say more, please come back. , I can't bear those gifts either, and General Sun please bring them back."

No matter how confused Sun Hao was, he still felt a little bit of taste, and said coldly, "General Zheng, is there resentment in his heart? What do you have to complain about? I know that the old general wanted to keep you by his side for promotion. You rejected the cultivation yourself. Could it be that General Zheng blamed the old general for this? The old general was so busy, he had countless things to worry about. Bar?"

"You don't take the initiative to ask for help when you have something to do, but afterwards you blame others for being ruthless and ruthless, doesn't it seem good?"

"You're thinking too much," Zheng Sangge was speechless, "General Sun doesn't owe me anything, but if you make any achievements, you'll be forgiven! I said, I don't have that heart, I just want to stay here in Huaixi ."

Sun Hao said whatever, Zheng Sanger said these words.

Later, he simply shut up and let Sun Hao sing a one-man show by himself.

(End of this chapter)

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