Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 2204: Little 7 is ready to come to transport food

Chapter 2203 Xiaoqi is ready to come over to transport food

He specially hoarded 600,000 shi of military ration for them here. This year, the new food came down, and it was a bumper harvest. Although there was no way to continue to buy large quantities of food from other places, the food produced in Huaixi Province was distributed to the Northwest Army. More than 200,000 stone is not difficult.

In this regard, Shao Yunyun has been doing his best.

The messengers who came from the northwest were a little worried that Master Shao would find a reason to push back three or four.

And this is just the first batch.

That is to say, after this batch is transported back, there will be a second and third batch of grain transport teams arriving one after another, and at least 300,000 shi of grain will be transported away.

This is not a small amount!

Although General Shao has always said that Lord Shao will never refuse at all, they can't help but worry about such a big thing.

Not to mention them, even General Feng and General Xu, they may not have all the bottom line in their hearts.

Unexpectedly, General Shao was really right!

The messenger was very grateful and thanked, and happily went down to rest with everyone.

They didn't dare to rest on the way. They drove to Huaixi Province day and night without stopping. At this moment, their breath was relaxed, and they were all tired and sleepy. They couldn't support it and needed a good rest.

Since then, Qiao Xuan has been in charge of the grain depot. After Shao Yunyun and Qiao Xuan discussed it, the two went to see the grain together.

The granaries were all built in Anze Prefecture, and they just had the opportunity to go back again.

All grains are well preserved, dry and fresh, and not moldy. Qiao Xuan asked people to start packing and put the food in bags. Then I took out the parts of the carriage that had been made and piled up in the warehouse, and assembled them. These are all grain carts.

It is very likely to rain on the road, and the linoleum is also ready-made, just take it out to check and count the number.

We have also prepared a lot of important grain truck parts such as wheels and yokes, and we will also bring some on the road.

Qiao Xuan thought about all aspects and arranged it properly. Not to mention Shao Yunyun's pride, even all the officials were amazed when they saw it.

No wonder Mrs. Shao respected Mrs. Shao so much, and gave everything to Mrs. Shao with confidence. Mrs. Shao's ability~www.wuxiaspot.com~ adults naturally have no worries!

With so many things unfolding at the same time, I was very busy for a while.

Qiao Xuan couldn't help but said, "Xiao Qi and the others have to go through the second prince's territory to transport food back, right? Will the second prince embarrass them? And the Sun family."

Shao Yunyun said with a sneer: "The second prince is not stupid. General Feng and the others are guarding the country of Daqin. It is enough not to ask the three emperors to ask for money, grain and materials. People all over the world scold him. He can't afford to lose this person! The same goes for the Sun family."

Qiao Xuan couldn't help laughing and said, "That's true! General Feng and the others must have thought it through. It's just that it's a long way to go!"

Shao Yunyun sighed lightly: "Yes, I hope the journey will be smooth."

For a distance of more than 2,400 miles, the speed of the grain truck is slow, and it can travel more than 100 miles a day at most.

But knowing that he has hoarded food for them here, General Feng and the others should have made arrangements long ago, rather than rushing the food delivery, which is better.

(End of this chapter)

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