Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 2211: completely hate

Chapter 2210 Thoroughly remember hatred

Sun Pu was very angry.

It was his idea to intercept the Northwest Army's grain transport team and even attempt to corrupt Shao Yunyun's batch of grain.

Of course, this was tacitly approved by his own father.

But he was the one who stood up.

I thought this was on my own territory, and the initiative was in my own hands, so how could I tear off a piece of meat? I didn't expect that General Feng of the Northwest Army would intervene for such a trivial matter!

It's not ashamed to do such a thing in his capacity.

Watching Shao Yunyun's younger brother lead the grain-carrying team like a long dragon slowly passing by his own site, his swaggering appearance is really irritating!

In Sun Pu's heart, he completely hated Shao Yunyun.

Shao Yunyun and Qiao Xuan breathed a sigh of relief when the three grain deliveries ended. Now that it's all right, the Northwest Army has added a large amount of food, and life will definitely be much easier.

Shao Yunyun did not slacken the matter of collecting grain, and the new grain was stored again, and the quantity was still quite large.

In the coming years, when the young and yellow are not available, they can continue to support the Northwest Army.

Not long after, entering the twelfth lunar month, the fighting on Zheng Sanger's side also stopped.

You all can have a peaceful year.

What no one thought was that the prefect in Hangzhou could not live peacefully this year!

He originally thought that the third prince was beaten by the second prince and fled to Jiangning City from Jinan to take refuge, and he had not made any movement for such a long time, even when the fourth prince and the second prince were fighting in the Central Plains, when the third prince was in full swing. The prince didn't do anything.

So much so that almost everyone ignored him.

Unexpectedly, he had already set his sights on a large area of ​​Jiangnan.

When people didn't pay much attention, the area around Suzhou and Yangzhou had already fallen under his control, and when the prefect of Hangzhou was beaten down by Shao Yunyun and his strength was greatly reduced, he launched a raid at the end of the year and bit it off. Most of the Hangzhou prefect's territory includes Huzhou, Jiaxing, Deqing and other places, and then approached the city of Hangzhou, giving no chance to the prefect of Hangzhou at all, and wanted to take the city of Hangzhou in one go.

The prefect of Hangzhou was frightened, and when the third prince ordered someone to persuade him to surrender, he probably knew that even if he insisted on holding on, he would only survive, so he simply surrendered.

It's true that he still has some troops under his command, but after fighting with Shao Yunyun for so long~www.wuxiaspot.com~ he has never won at all. Apart from being laughed at and suffered heavy losses, he has gained nothing.

Confidence has already been beaten to the point of scum, the territory has been invaded again and again, and I will try my best not to come back!

That being the case, how long can he defend such a place without surrendering? In the event that the army is defeated and captured in the end, it would be better to go to the third prince!

After all, the third prince is the direct son of the middle palace, and he is the prince who is rightly and most qualified to inherit the throne. Moreover, occupying such a large and prosperous territory in Jiangnan, this is capital that others cannot envy!

Who dares to say that the one who will be crowned in the future must not be the third prince? I have turned to him at this moment. In the future, the third prince will gain the whole world, and I will be able to get six Shangshu Dangdang from Longzhigong.

How many first-rank officers can there be in the entire Daqin?

The glory of being a supreme official, just thinking about it makes one's heart feel hot...

Therefore, the third prince took the city of Hangzhou into his pocket with little effort.

(End of this chapter)

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