Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 2213: This generation is incompetent, it should be replaced

Chapter 2212 This generation is incompetent, it's time to replace

Everyone was originally out of anger and had to fight to protect the territory they occupied, but they didn't expect that the mediocre Sun Pu would lead the army to attack, but instead, he beat the big guy's self-confidence.

Later, the prefect of Hangzhou continued to further strengthen the self-confidence of the big guy.

Now Huaixi Province has expanded by a third or more, its population has grown, its strength has grown, and its military power has continued to grow. It is in great shape. Under such circumstances, who would be willing to surrender the three princes?

The second prince's people are just like that. The third prince is not as good as the second prince. Why should you submit to him?

In this world, their descendants of the Qin family have been mixed up, so why should they enshrine them as the masters of the world?

Isn't their world also taken from the previous dynasty?

Since this generation is incompetent, it is time to replace it.

Besides, these three princes are shameless enough! Before Huaixi Province was attacked twice by Sun Pu's army, he stood on the side watching the excitement without saying a word. The prefect of Hangzhou kept provoking troubles and launching wars.

Now that I think of them, I just want to get such a big benefit in my pocket. Why?

When Shao Yunyun heard everyone's indignation and protested, he smiled and said, "Don't worry, since the first step has been taken on this road, I have never thought of changing it easily, and I cannot tolerate it."

"There is no difference between the princes of the Qin family. The third prince is talking nicely now, but he may not be able to turn his back on the old accounts in the future. I can't afford to take this risk. The people here are my own people, and I will not hide it. Everyone."

"However, there is someone here, and we must deal with it properly. At least at this stage, we should not tear our faces with the third prince."

After the melee of the big fish eating the small fish in the past two years, now in the world, apart from the mountain bandits who dominate the mountains and the gangs that take the opportunity to grow or establish, there are only eight major groups including the three princes and Shao Yunyun. In terms of power, the territory occupied by Shao Yunyun is said to be large or small, but it is definitely not one of the best among the eight major powers. Therefore, he does not want to be an enemy of others now.

To say that the most powerful, it has to be the fourth prince and the second prince.

One occupies the capital city, and occupies most of the time and place, and the other occupies more than half of the Central Plains, rich in materials and vast territory.

The other places are the Northwest Army, the two major forces in the middle of Shu, Nanyue, the three princes, and Shao Yunyun~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In addition, there are a small number of small forces like isolated islands, for some special reasons Still alive, no one moved them.

The main reason is that once they want to move them, they will have to pay a very heavy price. They can't pay.

Liao Mingzhong came with the "decree", and the decree said clearly and clearly, Shao Yunyun wanted to find a reasonable reason to decline, and he really needed to think about it.

Everyone was relieved when they heard that Shao Yunyun didn't mean to surrender to the third prince, and discussed countermeasures at length.

The more polite Liao Mingzhong is, the more difficult it is to deal with. Everyone was discussing it, and they even thought that it would be better for someone like Sun Pu to come!

At least there are a lot of pigtails like that, and just grabbing it is a good excuse to attack.

Everyone discussed and discussed several times, and finally decided that this matter is still a procrastination.

Just let him delay.

(End of this chapter)

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