Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 2231: don't let

"Nongmen Spring Warmth: There is a Little Blessed Wife at Home (

Mammy Ling lowered her head, not daring to let out the air.

She knew that she blamed her for this, but she went too far, and it was self-defeating.

However, how did she know that these people really have such courage. She also wants to pull a game back for the master.

Thinking that this is the master's business, those people are just the lowest-ranking servants, what's the matter? Even if he asks the master to kill a few, is it possible that the Qiao family can still be honest with the master because of this?

But who knows—

Mammy Ling instructed a little palace maid: "Go, ask someone to come in and clean up!"

The little palace maid timidly agreed, and hurriedly went out to call someone.

None of the servants and maids assigned in this inn paid any attention to her, and everyone had work in their hands and could not leave.

How dare a little palace maid be as arrogant as Mammy Ling? Even if she dares, it's useless if people don't buy it.

As a last resort, she had to bite the bullet and report back.

Mammy Ling scolded her like a gourd, "I can't handle this trivial matter!" After beating her twice to vent her anger, she didn't dare to make fun of herself any more, so she had to order the palace maids and eunuchs to clean up the house. well organized.

The place was being cleaned up when Qiao Xuan ordered Li Xia to send over the compensation form.

Do not pay? That's fine, but it won't send anything new. Also, their food treatment will also decrease, after all, the compensation will be deducted from it...

In short, either you take your own money, or you want to cheat, we will do it ourselves.

Mammy Ling was stunned and couldn't help but said angrily: "Our imperial concubine is the concubine of the emperor, and the whole world belongs to the emperor's family. What does it mean to smash a few things? That's all, your madams. Do you have to care too much? Say it without fear of being laughed at!"

Li Xia said with a smile: "Our lady said that it is impossible to mess with things. It is not possible in our Huaixi province. If you are not convinced, then go back. As for this world, it is better to ask the imperial concubine. Does the goddess have the ability to smash it in the imperial palace of the capital? That is the real prestige!"

Concubine Su Li rubbed her chest and took a deep breath, she didn't care about this cheap servant! She wants to see, if the **** of the Qiao family can still see herself forever.

Mammy Ling is also very angry, it is obvious that their own emperor is the real Dragon Emperor, they dare not recognize it! They have also compiled so many crooked words, and sooner or later they will settle accounts with them...

After Li Xia left, Mammy Ling's scalp was numb, and she didn't know how to report to her master.

To her surprise, Su Lifei didn't say anything this time, and sneered while looking at the compensation form.

In the end, he threw the list on the ground and sneered: "Huaixi Province is really poor enough, and this Qiao Shi is really stingy and mean, I heard that she was born and raised by an aunt, no wonder she can't get on the stage so much. Pan! Oh, it's hard for her to remember the account so clearly!"

Mammy Ling hurriedly laughed with her: "Of course she's not as good as Niangniang, and she's not worthy of carrying shoes for Niangniang. Niangniang, then this—"

Concubine Su Li gritted her teeth: "Isn't it just a few thousand taels of silver? Since she asked for it, give it to her! This palace usually rewards cats and dogs. It's not much!"

Mammy Ling heaved a sigh of relief: "Yes, yes, Niangniang, you are so generous, that is beyond the reach of others. This old slave will send someone to send the money over."

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