"Nongmen Spring Warmth: There is a Little Blessed Wife at Home (

Qiao Xuan ordered Fan Ruyin and Bai Ruirui to be invited.

When the mother and daughter were scheming against Shao Yunyun, they actually had the idea of ​​saving the country with a curve on Qiao Xuan, hoping to please Qiao Xuan, so as to persuade Qiao Xuan virtuously to be the master of Shao Yunyun and Na Bai Ruirui to enter the door.

Later, not only did this road not work, the two of them gave up. Later, they were rectified again and again by Qiao Xuan calmly. Don't say that they would curry favor with her. When they saw her, they wanted to stay far away. .

No matter how unconvinced they were, they had to admit that as long as Qiao Xuan was there, no matter what they planned, it would be extremely difficult for them to succeed.

Unless one day Bai Ruirui has successfully entered the Shao family's house, otherwise, it is best not to see Qiao Xuan again...

When they heard that Qiao Xuan invited them to meet, both mother and daughter were startled and looked terrified. Fan Ruyin smiled and made excuses and refused to go.

However, the present is not what it used to be, and the people who came to them did not give them a chance to refuse, and even took people away with threats and persecution.

Seeing Qiao Xuan, the mother and daughter became even more nervous, trembling when they stepped forward to say hello.

Qiao Xuan was speechless...

This is why people in the world love power and pursue power. Shao Yunyun's status in Huaixi Province is now extraordinary, not to mention that the Fan family is not as good as before, even if it is the same as before, goodbye Qiao Xuan, Fan Ruyin's mother and daughter are also very good Don't be disrespectful.

Even if they are afraid, it may be easier to ask questions.

Qiao Xuan ordered the two to sit down and backed away, leaving Li Qiu alone to serve.

"There's no one else here, so I won't go around in circles with you. It doesn't matter if you say anything openly. Mrs. Bo, the Fan family is a big family. Miss Bo is in good old age, and she has no shortage of looks and family background. Will there be a shortage of people to marry? I am very curious, why did Mrs. Bai want to send Miss Bai to the Shao family? "

Two red clouds flew up on Bai Ruirui's face, and she lowered her head and dared not lift her head up in shame.

Fan Ruyin was also a little embarrassed and annoyed, "Mrs. Shao, how can you say that..."

Qiao Xuan sneered in her heart: "While I'm still patient at this moment, Mrs. Bai might as well be hurry up, be straightforward, and speak well. Otherwise, if I lose my patience in a while, it won't be like this now. What is it? Ha!"

"There must be a reason for everything, right? Mrs. Bo really doesn't say anything? Since I am suspicious, Mrs. Bo doesn't want to talk about it, and I'm afraid she can't hide it. The doubts in her heart are puzzled. I'm under surveillance. I'm not afraid to tell you this in person."

Fan Ruyin's face changed greatly, she gritted her teeth and complained, "Mrs. Shao, isn't this too much!"

Qiao Xuan now has the ability to mobilize enough people to monitor the Fan family, and no one wants to live under the surveillance of others.

Especially when they are women.

Qiao Xuan sneered: "Aren't you going to overestimate the Shao family? Don't talk nonsense at this moment, let's talk! Don't fool me with some messy lies, you can't fool me."

Fan Ruyin said in a trembling voice: "What else can, why? Master Shao has a bright future, we, our Fan family just want to find someone to rely on. Mrs. Shao, we don't dare to hit Master Shao's idea, but we Ruirui give it to Shao. Isn't it worthy of the third master to be the side room? We Ruirui are also ladies, not a hundred times stronger than the village girl from the countryside? Entering the door of the Shao family, the Shao family also has a face, right! "

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