Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 2253: To say or not to say

"Nongmen Spring Warmth: There is a Little Blessed Wife at Home (

Fan Ruyin's mother and daughter stirred up a storm in their hearts, and they had no doubt that Qiao Xuan would definitely do the same after saying so.

They couldn't be more clear about how ruthless this woman was. After all, have they suffered less under her hands!

Especially Bai Ruirui, she was so frightened that she was not possessed.

It is absolutely impossible for her to live under the surveillance of others from now on. She is a young girl, as long as she thinks that she has a pair of eyes secretly from now on, staring at her all the time, even if she is sleeping, bathing, or even going to the toilet, she will be ashamed to death!

Bai Ruirui looked at Fan Ruyin in horror.

When Qiao Xuan saw her pleading eyes for help, she became more and more sure that the mother and daughter must be hiding something for some reason. She couldn't help thinking about it for a while, but she couldn't think of it for a while.

Can't help but arouse curiosity...

Qiao Xuan smiled coldly: "Have you figured it out? Even if you don't say it now, but my people are secretly watching, I don't believe that you will never reveal your fault. If it is revealed then, I will know if you don't. Wouldn't it be better to say it now. Or, are you sure that it will not be revealed in the future? How to choose, it seems that I don't need to teach you?"

Bo Ruirui couldn't bear it any longer, and exclaimed in a low voice: "Mother!"

Fan Ruyin was also confused, but she still wanted to give it a try, she wanted to make up some nonsense to fool Qiao Xuan. Seeing Bai Ruirui's reaction and looking at Qiao Xuan's eyes that seemed to see through everything, Fan Ruyin was discouraged. .

She didn't think she could make up any words that would convince Qiao Xuan.

Of course, she can choose to deny that there is no special reason, but this Mrs. Shao is really afraid that she will send someone to spy on it!

But she is now the king of this land, and no one can resist her. She wanted to do such an unkind thing to her family, and she was not allowed to say it, she really didn't dare to say it. Otherwise, who knows what this crazy woman can do?

To others, Fan Ruyin may still dare to delusional and delusional threats of public opinion, but to Qiao Xuan, she has no such hope...

Qiao Xuan didn't rush them, and chuckled lightly: "Take your time and think about it, think clearly and thoroughly, and say it carefully, anyway, I'm not in a hurry."

"However, I have to remind you that if I tell the truth, I'm satisfied, as long as I make up my mind, I'll let go of the past. Otherwise, hum, should we really let our Shao family pass so easily? It's a dream!"

I didn't calculate that it was because the Shao family was lucky, but it wasn't that you were showing mercy!

Clean up you, just leave it here for a fair reason!

Now, let alone Bai Ruirui, Fan Ruyin's face turned pale.

Qiao Xuan didn't rush, and waited for them to speak. When he speaks again, it must be time to tell the truth.

Fan Ruyin's mother and daughter looked at each other and couldn't help but feel conflicted.

This matter...even if they are willing to say it, can Qiao Xuan believe it...

Maybe even more convinced that they lied?

The most embarrassed is Bai Ruirui, who originally thought that she was lucky enough to see the good luck of a somewhat unpredictable prophet, and she would definitely be able to change her life and reach the peak of her life.

Who would have thought that after a tossing, I didn't get any benefits, but made a fool of myself several times. Up to now, the reputation is not very good, and I still don't know where the future is...

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