"Nongmen Spring Warmth: There is a Little Blessed Wife at Home (

Mrs. Fan is the master who doesn't see the rabbit and doesn't scatter the eagle. There is no great benefit, so don't let her move.

Especially when the world is in chaos, and Shao Yunyun is equivalent to a rebellious enclosure and self-reliance. Who dares to say how much future he has in Daqin?

At this time, even if you don't stay away and protect yourself, you will definitely not take the initiative too much, so that you can shirk and say "Don't dare to resist and have to obey!"

However, their mother and daughter seem to be even more crazy. To this end, he did not hesitate to chase from Anze to the provincial capital.

Then, in Bai Ruirui's dream, was Shao Yunyun finally, was it--

Qiao Xuan subconsciously clenched her palm tightly, her heart pounding wildly.

Shao Yunyun embarked on this road, and was really forced to have nowhere to go.

That Sun Pu was so ferocious and ferocious, he couldn't help but say that it was definitely not that the two of them could solve the problem by taking one step back, two steps back three steps.

With the Sun family beside the second prince, how could the Sun family accommodate Shao Yunyun?

Moreover, the second prince was not a master at all.

Since following the second prince is a dead end, it might be better to simply surround yourself with self-reliance, or at least be happy when you are alive.

Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun have been secretly preparing to evacuate one day.

They are the "leaders of the bandits", as long as the confidants Sun Baisun Qian, Zheng Sangge and others have been bringing along can retire together at that time, others can say that they were wronged and forced, at most they are dismissed from office, and no one will embarrass them.

Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun took a fancy to the hidden pasture land in the deep mountains, which had already been operated secretly and cultivated confidants.

That place is remote and secretive, easier to defend and difficult to attack, and life-saving is definitely not a problem. And that wasn't their final destination.

Their final destination is in the overseas Southeast Asia. As long as they live on that land for a few years, and after the limelight passes, they will go out to sea and leave, no matter who has the world, it is impossible to have them.

This is a last resort.

To this day, this matter is still going on in secret.

But sometimes, when I think about it subconsciously, I also have a longing for what it would be like to win the world, but I just think about it, and I smile after the longing.

How can it be so easy to conquer the world? Huaixi is so small, it's not enough to see at all!

But what does Bai Ruirui mean?

Will Shao Yunyun win this world in the future?

Only in this way can it explain Shao Yunyun's more crazy behavior of posting up after the mother and daughter became independent.

Because they know very well that as long as they are posted, they will fly up the branches and become phoenixes, and even bring the Fan family chickens and dogs to the sky!

This kind of thing is more than profitable, why not do it? When others are laughing at their mother and daughter, maybe they are also laughing at others in their hearts.

If they succeed, they are the ones who have the last laugh.

Unfortunately, they met Qiao Xuan.

Qiao Xuan couldn't bear this.

Some things can't be said too clearly, it's good to know each other well. Too understand the taboo.

Shao Yunyun doesn't need to be so eye-catching, even if it's just speech.

"These words, Mrs. Fan must also know?"


"Don't tell anyone else," Qiao Xuan looked at Fan Ruyin, "including the two masters of the Fan family. If you go back, tell Mrs. Fan! If there are any more words spread out, you Fan family will be completely It's over!"

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