Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 2270: Chicken and Duck Talk

"Nongmen Spring Warmth: There is a Little Blessed Wife at Home (

The two naturally refused to retreat, and their father was even less likely to retreat.

The two were in a hurry, and they quickly reasoned with the third prince. All in all, they couldn't retreat in shame if they lost. It was too cheap, Huaixi, and they were too shameless.

Also, they have to take revenge! Otherwise, I will be embarrassed to see my brothers!

He also swore to reassure the third prince that they would definitely win, and would lay down another piece of territory for the third prince.

The third prince is called a smoke from seven apertures...

Forcibly levying the people and robbing the people's wealth, I'm afraid that the city of Hangzhou is already in panic and chaos, so you still dream of winning the battle?

Even if he didn't know how to lead troops to fight, he knew that it was impossible for Su Huai to win a battle in the current situation. Unless Shao Yunyun and Zheng Sangge are worse than him.

But in fact, is it possible?

Furthermore, the city of Hangzhou has been suffocated by him, which is absolutely intolerable to him.

The third prince's attitude is very firm, and Su Huai will withdraw his troops no matter what!

The Su brothers came back to attack the city ladder and trebuchet, so naturally they refused to retreat. In their eyes, revenge for their own people is more important than anything else, and if they don't do that, they will be dishonest. If you don't have integrity, how can you get along?

Neither side could convince the other that the stalemate was over.

The courage of the Su brothers has also been turned upside down. Maybe they have no fear of thinking that their family is very important to the third prince, or maybe they feel that as long as they win the battle, everything is easy to say-this is their accustomed thought.

I also thought that my father was still waiting for them to bring the siege artifact over there. The emperor was so rambling and confused, when would they be allowed to take things away? Daddy can't wait...

As soon as the two brothers add up, let's cut it first and then play it!

It's not the first time they've done this kind of thing anyway, and it's okay to do it again.

As long as the result is good, even if the emperor is angry for a while, so what? It is not that they will still be forgiven and reused.

The brothers arrogantly forced the Ministry of War to allocate 200 siege ladders and 50 trebuchets, and immediately arranged to transport them by water without any mistake.

The Ministry of War was stunned, completely unaware of such a thing. Doesn't that mean to withdraw troops? The emperor's decree to withdraw troops has been issued three times, but now the two of you come to ask for a ladder and a trebuchet, and the lion's mouth is wide open as soon as you open your mouth-do you really think that the Ministry of War is serving your Su family?

The Minister of War hurriedly asked to see the third prince and reported the matter.

The third prince was furious, with a burning embarrassment on his face!

At the same time, a strong killing intent rose in his heart.

The Su family is too presumptuous!

Su Huai didn't take his imperial decree seriously, and the Su brothers didn't take him seriously as an emperor either.

He clearly ordered the troops to retreat and refused to provide ladders and trebuchets. How dare they go to the Ministry of War to make a fool of themselves!

If the two brothers are not severely punished, and everyone else will follow suit in the future, what dignity does the court have! What dignity does he have as an emperor!

The majesty of the dignified emperor, isn't it all a joke.

The third prince will immediately order the Ministry of War to capture the brothers and put them in prison. It is not good to teach them a lesson. They don't know how high the sky is!

However, when the words came to his lips, thinking of Su Huai, thinking of those people under Su Huai's hands, thinking that Su Huai and the others were still in Hangzhou City at the moment, the third prince hesitated again.

The two brothers were worried about their father and wanted to rush to fight Huaixi. After all... they were also opening up territory for themselves and teaching themselves to be disobedient.

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