Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 2274: Wonderful flower

In fact, that's clearly what a fuss they make! Where does Su Huai know how to defend the city? The group of brothers he relied on even more did not understand!

And he was embarrassed and retreated to Hangzhou City, and he forcibly took over Hangzhou City in anger. Moreover, the original Hangzhou prefect was not Fu Zhifu, and his ability was limited. Even if he managed it, it would not be much better.

I don't know who gave Su Huai a bad idea: Isn't the war now short of money? Buying tolls into the city! The common people have two cents per person, and the rich and fat people in silk and satin wear one or two silver per person. Hangzhou is such a big city, how many people go in and out every day, and how much money can they receive...

Su Huai, who was short of money and ruthless, felt that this idea was very good. Hangzhou is rich and common people can take out two cents of money, and rich people go to a restaurant to order a table of good dishes.

But it adds up, so many people come in and out every day, and the money is received from him, so that's a lot.

In fact, there are quite a few, which made Su Huai very happy and satisfied, and greatly praised and rewarded the subordinates who came up with this idea.

In order to collect more money, how could the inspection at the city gate be strict?

Besides, Su Huai's soldiers don't think so much, and no one thinks that even if a few spies sneak in, what can they do...

This is Hangzhou City!

But they don't even know that because of their repeated efforts and tossing, Hangzhou City is no longer the former Hangzhou City, and the former Hangzhou City actually conceals many problems.

Wei San and Wei Wu saw how easy it was to infiltrate the city, and quickly adjusted their strategies. Originally, they only planned to successfully infiltrate about 50 people in the city. Now, in this situation, they simply entered 300 people in one go.

Three hundred elites are definitely a force that cannot be underestimated!

Qin Wuyou personally led a team, walking day and night, quietly approaching Hangzhou City, ambushing in the secluded green hills outside Hangzhou City, waiting for signals from Wei San, Wei Wu and others.

Qin Wuyou didn't wait too long, the appointed day was coming soon.

That night, the moon was obscured by thick dark clouds, and the sky looked very low. Even at night, there was no reason to feel dull.

The soldiers guarding the city were bored and doing nothing as usual, their bodies slanted and yawning, their sleepy eyes blurred.

Thanks to the support of the Su Family Army~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the mental state of the soldiers is getting more and more lazy day by day. Even though the Pujiang, Dongyang, and Jinhua areas are still fighting fiercely, they are still calm and unhurried. Standing guard is also listless and baggy.

It's not just about confidence, it's laziness.

Wei San, Wei Wu and others were already ready. Under the cover of the thick night, they quietly touched the city gate, which was smoother than expected. They encountered almost no resistance, and quietly guarded the city. The soldiers were all stunned to the ground.

Wei San, Wei Wu and others quickly opened the city gate and ignited the signal.

The more than 500 people who had already been hiding outside the city rushed into the city like wolves and tigers, firmly guarding the city gate, and a large army several miles away immediately launched, the cavalry took the lead, the ground shook like thunder, and the defenders in the city of Hangzhou were still at first. Attempting to take back the city gate and close the gate, I was terrified when I saw this!

Su Jiajun, who stayed behind, was already frightened and ran away first.

Seeing this, the other defenders were even more reluctant to go all out. They took off their clothes, threw the weapons in their hands, and fled into the night.

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