Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 2279: chicken flying dog jumping

After Shao Yunyun took over the city of Hangzhou and caused a sensation, the people who lived in Anzezhou were like Qiao Xuan, and they were flattered ten times more enthusiastically than before, and countless people came to visit every day. Please send gifts.

Fortunately, there are quite a few capable stewards in the family, as well as Tao Tao and Aunt Qing under Zhao Shu, who are also good hands, and many trivialities of sending and receiving exchanges are properly arranged, so there is no trouble. Chaos and jokes come.

If it was simply dealing with it, Mrs. Fang was impatient, but after listening to Taotao and others explaining that Shao Yunyun was in the limelight now, as the old lady of the Shao family and Uncle Shao as the grandfather, she would definitely have to face these entertainments. .

It wasn't easy to reject others at first, but after a while, it got better.

Fang Shi and Uncle Shao absolutely refused to bring any bad influence to Shao Yunyun, so they naturally agreed and met these people patiently and friendly.

Fang Shi is more powerful anyway, and others don't dare to go too far. Uncle Shao is different. Uncle Shao has always been very polite to others. He always feels that others are too kind to him, so he should be better to others, otherwise he will feel bad about it.

I can't blame him for this. His nature is like this. He has taken care of the second and third bedrooms for so many years. He feels guilty for not being better to others.

To put it bluntly, this is a flattering personality.

But in this way, wouldn't those personal elites have to make an inch? Ask Uncle Shao for this and that, and some even put forward some very excessive things.

Fortunately, there are clear stewards who follow. Sometimes Uncle Qing will follow, and he can raise points in time. Sometimes he will answer for Uncle Shao when he is in a hurry.

But this is tantamount to mixing up the plans of some people, making people sneer and ridicule them in person, saying that these slaves are "slaves bullying the master!" When the masters speak, it is their turn to interrupt? He also persuaded Uncle Shao to punish them severely, otherwise, it would be a family rebellion against the house, so what?

There is no such thing in the big family, it is too unethical. They don't see the outside world, they don't care, they don't make jokes. If they are like this in front of other people, they will lose Master Shao's face, and they will make Master Shao laugh...

Uncle Shao became anxious when he heard it, but instead he scolded the steward, Uncle Qing and others.

Fortunately, the steward and Uncle Qing were not that confused. When they got home, they told Mr. Fang everything about it. Mrs. Fang was a hoot and scolded Uncle Shao, and he was not allowed to go out again.

Then, within two days, there was a family who gave a generous gift and two beautiful maids came to the door, saying that they were sent to serve Uncle Shao!

Mr. Fang was so angry!

He almost didn't point at Uncle Shao's nose and scolded him for being old and shameless! How old are you to be a disaster for a little girl who is under 20 years old, and she has only had a good life for a few days, so she forgot her surname!

If it wasn't for Shao Dalang and Shao Sanlang, Fang Shi would probably beat Uncle Shao.

Uncle Shao is indeed a little proud of being held by others for a while, but he is not so proud.

He was surprised by this too!

Maybe he promised something in a confused way, or maybe it was sent by someone else on his own initiative. Anyway, he really didn't have such an idea.

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