Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 2290: disappointment

The queen was dignified and reserved in the end, and she held back her pride in her heart. The concubines and concubines no longer had so many scruples.

The Su family also has today, but it really makes people hate it!

It's not in vain for the big guy to grit his teeth and endure Su Libi's domineering in the past, but it can be considered that God has eyes, and he can see the sky when the clouds are cleared.

That Mrs. Su was really ridiculous, did she think that Su Huai came back after winning the battle? You can't wait to enter the palace to support Su Libi? Really rushing to give people a joke!

Madam Su, who was almost furious, was full of wanting the **** to look good and support her daughter, and hurriedly ordered someone to find Su Huai and his son to come back to discuss.

Su Huai's father and son are also busy at the moment. Although the third prince has issued an imperial decree, Su Huai's prestige is not as good as before, and the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Household are not so cooperative.

The officials of the Shangshu Shilang are all old fritters, and they are very shrewd. It is easier to deal with Su Huai and his son who came from water bandits.

As long as they want, the foreign workers can grind no less than a hundred kinds of patterns, and the "drag" formula can be used to the extreme.

It is impossible for Su Huai and his son to deal with these old fried dough sticks as smoothly as before. The father and son clearly knew there was a problem, but they didn't know what the problem was.

threaten? People are not afraid. Rough? Then you can do it, or you can come, and people will just leave it alone, won't it work? Let yourself play to your heart's content!

Anyway, the emperor allowed them to mess around, regardless of the facts and the future of the court, why should they worry about it when they are courtiers?

Su Huai only needs to lead the troops, ask for money, supplies and weapons, and let him make overall arrangements, what a joke! If he knew these things, he wouldn't be a water bandit.

For these things, he had to rely on people.

He also knew that everyone was dissatisfied with him, and he was not as confident as before after losing the battle and losing the city of Hangzhou, and many times he had to endure for a while.

Now all he wants to do is to lead the troops on the road quickly, and he will be ashamed!

Nothing else is important, I have to settle the account and wait for it to come back and then slowly calculate...

Mrs. Su said that there was an important matter at home and asked their father and son to go back quickly. Su Huai thought it was someone who didn't have a long eye to watch him defeat and bully the Su family. Is this okay? He immediately rushed home with his son and cronies in a rage.

Who knew that what Mrs. Su said was about Li Concubine.

It was only then that Su Huai learned that her daughter had changed from Concubine Li to Concubine Li, so it was natural to be angry, but how could he have the time to worry about such trivial matters at this time?

She couldn't help but scolded Mrs. Su a few words, "I don't know the severity!".

"Concubine Concubine Concubine, isn't it the same for Concubine? What's wrong with her in the palace? Don't worry about it for now. When Lao Tzu wins the battle and takes back Hangzhou City, she will naturally still be Concubine Li at that time. What do you want me to do now? The emperor said?"

Su Huai doesn't understand anymore~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After all, she has surrendered for so long. She has never eaten pork and has seen pigs run away countless times.

I still understand this.

He forced the emperor to issue an decree to support him in sending troops to take revenge. The emperor was already very angry. If he had to intervene in the affairs of the harem, would the emperor still tolerate him and support him?

Deep down, he was also terrified. If the emperor gave up on him, if he could not win the battle, what would he do in the future? Do you want to go back to being a water bandit?


How can being a water bandit compare to being a general!


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