Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 2302: The first force to surrender

Aside from the past, which was ignored by turning a blind eye, Tao Tao and Zhao Shu had a good time in the clan this time.

The most obvious thing is that no one dared to mention things like sending Zhao Shu a concubine, which made Taotao worry a lot.

In Hangzhou City, on the ninth day of the first lunar month, Shao Yunyun and Qiao Xuan welcomed a group of uninvited guests. Le Zhengxiao brought a group of people from Yuzhang Mansion and waited for him.

Shao Yunyun and Qiao Xuan were very surprised and very happy.

In the past, Shao Yunyun was inconvenient for Lezheng's family to come and go again because of his identity. The two sides had a tacit understanding and no longer had exchanges on the surface, but Lezhengxiao secretly delivered supplies to Shao Yunyun. It can be said that the secret exchanges between the two sides have never been interrupted.

This time, Le Zhengxiao brought Yuzhang's government chief over together, and there was no need to speak. Shao Yunyun and Qiao Xuan had basically guessed their purpose, and both of them were a little surprised and surprised.

Sure enough, the next day after the reception, the Yuzhang prefect made a respectful statement to Shao Yunyun on behalf of the prefect of Yuzhang, and at the same time presented a handwritten letter written by the prefect of Yuzhang. He planned to take Yuzhang Province to join Shao Yunyun, and asked Shao Yunyun to accept it.

Even though he expected that seven or eight out of ten of them came here for this purpose, Shao Yunyun was still a little unbearably excited and complicated when he heard the words of the Yuzhang Palace Chief.

This is the first local force to take the initiative to surrender.

Shao Yunyun readily accepted it, and was polite.

Privately, he asked Le Zhengxiao some more details, and since he knew something about the prefect of Yuzhang, it seemed that the possibility of fraudulent surrender was unlikely.

The prefect of Yuzhang was also forced to help, and he had to make a choice.

In fact, according to the second prince's plan, last year, Huaixi and Yuzhang were to be brought under his command.

Unexpectedly, when Sun Pu ran to Huaixi to recruit Shao Yunyun, he caused a big mess, and finally forced Shao Yunyun to face the second prince in order to protect himself.

Because of this, coupled with the constant battle with the Fourth Prince, he didn't care about Yuzhang Province for a while.

But now, the third prince is completely finished. Hangzhou and Jiangning are all in the south of the Yangtze River in Shao Yunyun's pocket. The second prince can't keep an eye on him, and he will definitely stare at Yuzhang.

The prefect of Yuzhang does not have the ability to deal with the second prince. Once the second prince sends an envoy to him to announce the imperial decree, what else can he do other than accept the decree?

But he has no confidence in the second prince, including the fourth prince.

The means of these three princes vying for the throne are too sloppy, and no one is popular. Instead, they have almost lost the majesty of the Great Qin Dynasty, and they have no ability at all to make the world go back to their hearts.

And when Sun Pu could treat Shao Yunyun like that, how would the Sun family treat him? The prefect of Yuzhang was so entangled that he did not dare to gamble.

If this bet is wrong ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ it will be doomed.

It happened that Shao Yunyun's strength had greatly increased, and his morale was booming. As a neighbor, the prefect of Yuzhang could be said to have watched Shao Yunyun's development little by little with his own eyes.

With this momentum, it is more confident than that of the second and fourth princes.

It is a bet both horizontally and vertically, it is better to bet on what you are more optimistic about.

After the prefect of Yuzhang discussed with the government and several of his confidants, he finally made up his mind.

He had to make a decision before the Second Prince's "decree" came down, otherwise it would be very troublesome. Knowing that Lezheng's family and Shao Yunyun have a very good relationship, not just after the new year, Le Zhengxiao came over immediately.


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