Although she likes farming, she won't take other people's things.

These big families dedicated their fields to her, but they were afraid that she would rob them, so they took the initiative to please them first.

But is she such a person? Absolutely not!

Qiao Xuan turned more attention to Hangzhou Bay.

Although the Daqin court explicitly banned shipping, the ban was issued by the court several decades ago. Although the blockade has not been lifted, after the flourishing of private maritime trade, the imperial court did not take any measures to prohibit or suppress it.

People are trying step by step, especially in the past ten years, overseas trade has been quite prosperous. Every year, several fleets formed by large families go out to sea.

Maritime trade is extremely profitable, but at the same time, it is also very risky and takes a long time. Without the support of the imperial court, no matter how the people are, it will only be a small fight.

Furthermore, as long as the big family can develop to a certain level, they all know the truth of being the first bird with a gun, and they pay special attention to abide by the golden mean.

The profits earned by going overseas are so huge that there are many jealous people, and they do not dare to expand the scale without any scruples, otherwise they may cause disaster one day.

In particular, the imperial court's ban has never been lifted, which means that the imperial court can confiscate all this justifiably at any time.

Even in order to prevent it from being confiscated one day, I dare not expand the scale at will.

Otherwise, the loss is too heavy!

Because of this, the sea trade in Daqin has not developed, and even the wharf in Hangzhou Bay seems a bit shabby and bleak.

Qiao Xuan decided to show her skills.

She talked to Shao Yunyun about this. She has been greedy for Hangzhou Bay for a long time. When Shao Yunyun first became independent, the final retreat they considered was overseas. This must have a ship and a port. , you can't do it without years of secret preparation.

But now, Hangzhou Bay is in sight!

Of course, Qiao Xuan was reluctant to miss such a great opportunity.

Moreover, the development of maritime trade can also bring back more money and materials, so why not do it?

Shao Yunyun was very moved by what she said. In any case, there was no harm in this matter, so he discussed with Zhang Wenshu, Jia Heming, Zheng Sanger and others.

It doesn't matter to Jia Heming and Zheng Sanger, anyway, this thing can be done. Since adults think it's good, then it should be good.

Zhang Wenshu and a group of local officials in Jiangnan were all excited.

Although Zhang Wenshu is a native of Henan, he is concerned about state affairs and has been paying attention to the issue of maritime trade. He is full of hope that if he can become an official in the future, he will find an opportunity to report this matter to the court and ask for the reopening of the maritime ban.

But he also knows that this is just a daydream of his own!

He is a little juren who has taken the jinshi exam three times but has not passed the exam and has to become a teacher. How could he have any chance to become an official in the dynasty? Just wishful thinking!

However, his son is only average, and the students he teaches are at most like him. It is impossible for him to accomplish this in his life...

Who knows, the opportunity came so unexpectedly!

The world is in chaos and the current situation is turbulent. He is such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! Not only did he become an official, but he was also entrusted with an important task by the adults, and he didn't expect that he didn't dare to mention that he didn't have time to think about it for the time being, but the adults mentioned it first!

So, this is probably God's will.


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