Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 2313: luckily ran away

Mr. Qiao and Mrs. Qiao didn't even know that the yard they lived in was stolen by the steward from Lu Min and the others, and they only thought that Lu Min and the others avoided them on purpose.

Yesterday, Master Qiao thought so, and felt quite unhappy because of it, thinking that Lu Min and the others were too disrespectful.

Hearing Mrs. Qiao's words at this moment, her face became even more unsightly.

Mrs. Qiao said coldly: "Those who worship the high and step on the low, they are also worthy of looking down on the master! When you arrive in Hangzhou City, you want them to look good!"

"Okay, stop talking!"

Mrs. Qiao frowned and stopped Mrs. Qiao, but she was upset. Without power, anyone can step on him, and no one will take him seriously. This time, he went to Hangzhou City, no matter what, he and Qiao Xuan had to abandon the old hatred...

The steward led people to find a circle. Lishui City is located in the south of the Yangtze River. It is a relatively large city. It is very prosperous. It is different from the remote Nanyue. There are about ten inns in the city. It took almost two hours.

In the end, I finally found out at an inn that they had already left early in the morning!

Mr. Qiao and Mrs. Qiao suddenly lost their words...

Wouldn't it be alright to just say they've left? Why do you want to emphasize "early morning"? This sounds so jarring, doesn't it?

Although they have no evidence, there is a kind of people who deliberately leave so early to avoid them!

Mrs. Qiao still thought that this kind of disgusting effect was not good enough, and sneered twice as if she had seen through everything.

Mr. Qiao was so angry that he glanced at her a little annoyed, and gritted his teeth secretly in his heart: Wait for me!

In order to find Lu Min and the others, they were delayed here.

Most of the day has passed. Even if you are on the road now, you will have to stay in two hours if you can’t make it. What does it matter if you can’t catch the road for two hours?

So I just stayed here for one more night.

Mr. Qiao was embarrassed, and Mrs. Qiao was equally disappointed.

She knew that Lu Min and Shao Yunyun had a good relationship, but she had originally planned that her peers had to toss and toss Lu Min's wife well along the way, adding trouble to them and finding fault.

She hated everything related to Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun.

This time it was all lost.

Four days later, in the afternoon, Lu Min and his party finally arrived at Hangzhou City.

When Shao Yunyun sent letters to various places, he had arranged everyone's accommodation.

This is also what Qiao Xuan meant. Qiao Xuan felt that these county magistrates rarely have the opportunity to get together and communicate with each other on weekdays. After all, they are all colleagues. It is better to make arrangements in advance for them to go to the inn when they arrive in Hangzhou City. In one piece, it is convenient to say hello if there is anything in this way, and to a certain extent, many oolongs will be avoided.

Shao Yunyun felt so good~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and ordered to prepare accordingly.

The post station in Hangzhou City is very large, with more than a dozen courtyards of various sizes, but even so, it cannot accommodate all the county magistrates. Everyone has their deputy, entourage, and servants, plus their living habits are different, and each has its own authority. Unless they are extremely familiar friends, it is impossible to live in the same yard with others.

Only one person can be accommodated in a yard.

Shao Yunyun ordered people to book three large inns near the station, and together with the station, all these people were properly arranged.

All the people who came from Fujian were arranged to stay in the inn, so after Lu Min and the others entered the city, they inquired about where the inn was, and went straight there.


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