Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 2315: don't want to see them

Qiao Xuan sighed softly, "I don't want to take advantage of them! Not at all! Besides, people like Mrs. Qiao and Qiao Wei have insatiable appetites, and they don't think I'm good!"

As long as Qiao Xuan lives well, in their eyes it is the original sin.

They absolutely want to do everything possible to destroy it.

Shao Yunyun laughed softly: "Don't worry, as long as you make up your mind, I will follow you. It's just... Madam, have you really considered it? If Madam wants—"

"Don't!" Before Shao Yunyun could finish speaking, Qiao Xuan raised her hand to cover his lips lightly, and said without hesitation, "What am I going to do with this kind of family? I don't need to act as a facade!"

She understands what Shao Yunyun means, and maybe he also thinks that she has a family as a "backer" to make everyone look more decent, and no one dares to despise her casually.

But the kind of parents Qiao and Mrs. Qiao have, it is indeed better not to have them.

She didn't want to be shy all the time.

Being alone, although more big families will be eager to move, and will not take themselves seriously, but so what? She has enough power to deal with it. Anyone who dares to look down on her and attempt to plot against her will have to pay a price.

the most important is--

"The Xianggong will protect me... right?"

"Well, yes," Shao Yunyun smiled and said softly, bowed his head and took a long kiss with her, pressing his forehead, and said softly: "Since the lady doesn't want them, then don't, and leave the rest to me. ."

Qiao Xuan's heart warmed, she raised her eyes and smiled, "Then they are here, I don't want to see them."

"Okay, then we won't see you!"

Qiao Xuan smiled and her mood brightened again.

Only then did Shao Yunyun tell her that Lu Min and his party met Mr. Qiao and his party in Lishui City, and the yard where they wanted to live was also arrogantly robbed by the steward of the Qiao family.

The behavior of the Qiao family is extremely arrogant! This has never happened before, and it is only in the past few months that it has been like this.

It can be seen that this is the Yue family of Shao Yunyun!

Shao Yunyun sneered lightly: "After the post of inviting magistrates from all over the world to come to Hangzhou for a party was posted, I sent someone to go to Nanyue secretly, and I learned a little bit about the Qiao family. The eldest lady of the Qiao family Already married, married to a well-known local rich family, the person chosen by Mrs. Qiao herself..."

Mr. Qiao is not stupid, especially after seeing that Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun were wrong, he was a lot more cautious in choosing a son-in-law.

But Qiao Kou's idea is very big~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and her aunt plotted against Qiao Wei and robbed Qiao Wei's fiance, making him so angry that he didn't have a chance to play at all.

It was Qiao Wei's turn. She became notorious because of the Qiao family and because of Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun. Her marriage was not going well until she came to Fujian, and no one knew about the bad things in the capital. put on the agenda.

Mr. Qiao was quite frustrated with the Qiao family, and knew that it would be difficult for him to be transferred back to Beijing in his life. He thought that it would be fine if he couldn't see it, so he simply let Qiao Wei get married here.

He was originally interested in a young scholar. The scholar has good knowledge and a very stable person. If he goes through the examination in a solid way, he does not dare to say it, but there is no problem in recruiting people.

If you win the juren, you can give it a try. Or it would be good to have a relationship for him and let him be a government chief or county chief, or at least a good future, so that he can have no worries about food and clothing.


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