Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 2327: I don't care

Chapter 2326 I don't care

They are all human beings. How could it not have been thought that Master Qiao deliberately acted like this in front of everyone today, didn't he mean to persecute Master Shao?

From this point of view, it can be seen that his character is actually not so good.

Furthermore, if he was really innocent, he wouldn't be so humble in front of Master Shao.

Although everyone thinks that Mr. Shao is indeed a bit inhuman, but judging from Mr. Qiao's performance, Mr. Qiao's husband and wife must have done something very excessive...

If the people present today were ordinary people, they would not be able to think so profoundly and meticulously. Everyone would only see how humble and pitiful Mr. Qiao, the father-in-law, was to his son-in-law, and everyone would not be able to help but feel sympathy and grievances, Mr. Qiao. Attempting to use public opinion to force Shao Yunyun might be of little use.

It is a pity that the people present today are all elites, and with the entanglement of their own interests, Mr. Qiao's idea of ​​taking advantage of the situation to achieve his goal is doomed to fail.

It was also expected in advance that Shao Yunyun didn't care and let him play.

If Mr. Qiao doesn't have any thoughts and troubles, it will be good. Even if he tries to use the topic to do something, he may not be able to achieve his goal.

Did he think his colleagues would fight for him and speak for him? Who is he!

In the following time, as if this uncomfortable episode had never existed, at the one-day gathering, everyone had a great conversation and was very happy. The night went away happily, still excited.

Shao Yunyun returned to the back office, and he had to tell Qiao Xuan about what happened to Mr. Qiao today.

Qiao Xuan felt disgusted when she heard their names, and sneered: "I didn't expect him to be what he is today, but he still wants to use public opinion to suppress us, don't want the old face, and run like that in front of so many people. Xianggong you. You must know that in the past, he was very respectful!"

Shao Yunyun patted her hand lightly: "Don't worry, that's all he can do now. I didn't say anything. Tomorrow, the lady will decide what to do."

Thinking about what might happen tomorrow, Qiao Xuan couldn't help laughing, her eyes lit up and she nodded, "I'm looking forward to it!"

The two smiled at each other.

County magistrate Qiao returned to the inn, as if he had been emptied of all his strength, and the exhaustion hit like a tide.

It is also overwhelming like a tide, and there is also a feeling of embarrassment, embarrassment and anger!

When he was at the scene, he didn't dare to think about it, and subconsciously refused to think about it.

Shao Yunyun really doesn't want any face at all...

Mrs. Qiao and Qiao Wei haven't slept yet~www.wuxiaspot.com~ including Miao Cong. They are all waiting for Mr. Joe.

Miao Cong now knows everything, and Mr. Qiao and Mrs. Qiao are too lazy to hide it from him. In this way, there is no guilty conscience in front of him.

They were a family anyway, so there was nothing to hide from embarrassment.

"Dad, you're back, did Master Shao say when will we move to the backyard of the mansion?"

It was Miao Cong who couldn't wait to speak.

Mrs. Qiao and Qiao Wei also showed their natural expressions.

Although they are not shameless people themselves, they are all fascinated with confidence, thinking that Shao Yunyun will definitely not be shameless. So at least Mr. Qiao said something in public, and Shao Yunyun had to agree even if he was reluctant.

Otherwise, he, the King of Jiangnan, has a bad character!

(End of this chapter)

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