Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 2337: declare the world

Chapter 2336 Declare the world

Shao Yunyun was talking with Jia Heming, Lu Min and other five or six people in the study room at the moment, and Jia Heming, Lu Min and others were ready to leave.

Shao Yunyun didn't let them go, and directly invited Master Qiao to come in.

When Mr. Qiao saw that Shao Yunyun was finally willing to see him alone, he was overjoyed. Who would have guessed that when he entered the study and saw several people there, he couldn't help but be stunned.

Master Qiao suddenly looked at Shao Yunyun with an angry and questioning gaze.

On purpose? Is this intentional again?

Shao Yunyun looked at him and said slowly: "My wife just sent someone to tell me something, and I can generally guess why Mr. Qiao is here. I thought Mr. Qiao knew, but unexpectedly, Mr. Qiao actually I don't know! That's right, in the Qiao family, my wife was removed from the family last year. Now my wife has nothing to do with the Qiao family. Since Mr. Qiao didn't know it before, I misunderstood Mrs. Qiao. Now it is clear. , that's fine!"

Master Qiao moved his lips and looked at Shao Yunyun, only to feel a chaotic blank in his mind.

When he learned about this from Mrs. Qiao, he was so ashamed and angry that he wanted to ask Shao Yunyun if he didn't tell them on purpose or wanted to see them make a fool of himself. Now that he said it face to face, where would he still be? Can you ask?

"Indeed, I really don't know..." Master Qiao spoke with difficulty.

He was confused and didn't know how he left Shao Yunyun's study. Embarrassment, shame, daze, and even despair... All kinds of emotions flooded my heart, and I couldn't be clear for a long time.

When he returned to the inn, Mr. Qiao slumped down on the chair, feeling weak.

"Joe family..."

How dare they, old lady! How could they do this! Where to put him again and again! Obviously he is Qiao Xuan's father, shouldn't any decision to Qiao Xuan be approved by him first?

What did they take him for!

For a moment, Master Qiao even wanted to leave the Qiao family altogether. One hundred.

When this matter spread, everyone talked about it as a laughing stock, and Mr. Qiao felt even more ashamed. How could he dare to ask for any benefit? The connected party never appeared again, and she took Mrs. Qiao to wait back to Fujian.

He originally wanted to find an errand in Jiangnan, and he was also a magistrate. The difference between the magistrate in Jiangnan and the magistrate in Fujian was huge. Where is the face to speak now?

Shao Yunyun and Qiao Xuan~www.wuxiaspot.com~ must still resent him, otherwise they would not have deliberately made their husband and wife the same ugly person and chose to keep silent.

After the county magistrates left Hangzhou city one after another, Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun announced to the world with great fanfare, and Qiao Xuan and Qiao's family have nothing to do with each other since then! No matter what happens to the Qiao family and the Qiao family, it has nothing to do with her.

Everything was done by the Qiao family, and Qiao Xuan just accepted it passively. No one would have the right to accuse her of being ruthless and ungrateful.

So far, it has been completely relaxed.

No matter what happens to Mrs. Qiao's family, no one will be able to cling to her.

Shao Yunyun specially accompanied Qiao Xuan to go out of the city to incense, to accompany her on a lake tour to enjoy the scenery, and to accompany her well for several days. He also told everyone that even if Qiao Xuan did not have the backing of the Qiao family, he would still care and care for him. His wife, no one should underestimate her.

Everyone understood, and the originally slightly anxious thoughts had to be suppressed for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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