Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 307: they are going too

Remember for a second【】

Chapter 307 They are going too

Shao Sanlang and Yang Xiaoni also followed.

The team is getting bigger and bigger!

Where did I ever think that Erfang somehow knew that they were going to enter the mountain, but before they went out, Ershu Shao brought Shao Erlang and Shao Shilang, and ordered Shao Xiaoqi: "Xiaoqi, if you want to enter the mountain, I will bring you with me. Second cousin, fourth cousin, let them help you too, how great! Qiao Shi, Yang Shi, Taotao don't need to go, what do women do in the mountains all day? Get in the way!"

Qiao Xuan: "..."

Shao Xiaoqi's face suddenly collapsed, and he looked at Qiao Xuan subconsciously.

Fang Shi couldn't help frowning: "Their children went into the mountains to have fun, but they didn't do anything on purpose. What are Erlang and Shirou doing?"

"Sister-in-law, don't be so careful, you can't take Erlang and Shirou with you. Our family is short of money now. If we can find some honey or something to sell, we can also earn some subsidies, right?"

Uncle Shao couldn't help but said: "Xiao Qi, just take your second and fourth brothers with you, and you will have more strength with more people, right?"

Shao Xiaoqi was not very happy.

He didn't want to take them with him.

Looking at it like this, it is impossible not to bring it, and even if it is not brought, I am afraid they will follow.

Qiao Xuan then said: "Since the second and fourth cousins ​​are also going, let's go together! But let's talk about it first, but I can't guarantee that there will be gains. Also, the two cousins ​​are older than us. , work harder!"

"That's fine. Then if there's something good--"

"If there is anything good, of course, Xiaoqi will get the most, and others will get another share."

Uncle Shao was not very happy.

Fang snorted: "If you don't like it, just don't go."

Uncle Shao didn't dare to gossip: "That's fine."

Qiao Xuan smiled: "It's getting late, then let's go."

Uncle Shao couldn't help but said again: "Qiao Shi, Yang Shi, what are you doing? Forget about the women staying at home! It's hard to walk on the mountain, so don't hold back!"

If you go to a few less people, you can get a few points less. Uncle Shao is shrewd. He also explained to Shao Erlang and Shao Shilang, they should be more careful when the time comes, remember how to find honey, how to get honey, and see how Shao Xiaoqi finds other good things. In the future, their brothers can go by themselves.. ....

This time, without waiting for Mrs. Fang and Qiao Xuan to say anything, Shao Xiaoqi said a little unhappily, "Sister-in-law Five and the others can go if they want. If they don't go, I don't want to go either!"

Uncle Shao: "..."

Qiao Xuan immediately became proud: "Xiao Qi is such a good boy!"

Shao Xiaoqi smiled a little embarrassed by her praise.

Uncle Shao was so angry: "Xiao Qi, how did you talk!"

Shao Xiaoqi turned his head, "That's what I said."

Uncle Shao frowned: "Xiao Qi, you are not allowed to be unruly."

Mrs Fang said, "Come on, don't go today."

Xiao Qi: "Okay!"

Shao Shilang was in a hurry and hurriedly said: "Oh, auntie, Xiaoqi, don't be angry, go and go, can we all go together? Dad, stop saying a few words!"

Uncle Shao: "..."

What should I do if I'm more angry?

In the end, I left~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Shao Yunyun didn't plan to go, so he naturally followed.

He has to protect Qiao Xuan.

Qiao Xuan wanted to try her luck to find precious medicinal herbs such as Ganoderma lucidum, or Poria, Huang Jing, and by the way, to see if she could come across some Tremella, so she naturally went to a forest that she had never been to before.

Everyone in the big room is used to it, but Shao Erlang and Shao Shilang are not used to it.

??On the last day of this month, humblely asking for votes o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o



(End of this chapter)

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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