Remember for a second【】

Chapter 344 Autumn Harvest

The honey obtained was kept for home eating, as well as a gift as a favor, and sold a hundred kilograms to the shopkeeper of Ming Ren Tang, Qin.

Gastrodia, Rhizoma Polygonati and Panax notoginseng grown in the garden are growing well, but these medicinal materials are not annual crops and usually take about three years to harvest.

It would take two years for Qiao Xuan to bless it with her supernatural powers—she can't do too much, otherwise it's a little bit unreasonable, and there's no reasonable explanation.

On the other hand, the gastrodia has been dug up from the mountains for a long time. Qiao Xuan said hello to the shopkeeper Qin, and then asked Mrs. Xu and the others to help dig more than an acre and sell it.

The Gastrodia elata planted by her family grows really well, and more than a thousand catties have been harvested from more than one mu.

Needless to say, the quality is definitely top quality.

More than 2,300 taels of silver arrived instantly.

The shopkeeper Qin was very happy, and said that he would accept as many gastrodia elata in the Shao family in the future...

Qiao Xuan handed over 200 taels to the Fang family, and gave out another 150 taels to the family members except Uncle Shao. Xiaoqi and Taotao shared a little more, and both Shao Dalang and Shao Sanlang shared the same.

Everyone was very happy, and Xu Shi was so excited that he counted the money he saved in the room again.

Yang Xiaoni and Shao Sanlang were so excited that they whispered together and discussed going to the city to buy delicious food in two days. As a result, they were taken away by Fang's half to keep them safe.

Qiao Xuan also ordered some of her belongings, minus the odds, there were a total of 6,300 taels.

Very good, Qiao Xuan smiled, this year is really good.

The roses can still bloom two times. After blooming, they need to be pruned again, and powers are applied to let them continue to energy for the winter, recuperate, and wait for the coming year to bloom big and beautiful flowers.

Therefore, the lipstick has to be made quickly.

Xu Shi, Yang Xiaoni, Tao Tao and others worked hard for Qiao Xuan. They were busy but at ease.

What about forty fen a day, even if they already have a lot of money, it's obviously a very worthwhile thing, who wouldn't do it?

After the first batch of lipsticks were made, the flowers were trimmed and watered once, and Qiao Xuan applied the wood-type power to it. After about half a month, the last batch of lipsticks of the year could be made.

She made a rough calculation, and since the provincial capital came back to the last batch, there were about 1,500 pieces.

After a little calculation, it's very good. In this way, her assets are nearly tens of thousands of taels...

The first batch of lipsticks is ready, and within three or four days, the rice at home can be harvested.

Autumn harvest is more busy and tiring work than spring and the most fearful thing when sunning the grain is the rain, but this season, a dark cloud and a shower often come, not to toss people. exhausted.

During the autumn harvest season every year, every family is praying to God for good weather. They are nervous, and they finally get the rice into the granary. This can be regarded as a sigh of relief.

If it is rained during the sun drying, the millet will turn black, and the accumulated millet will ferment and then germinate, which is equivalent to waste.

During the autumn harvest, everyone is racing against time to get good weather. Therefore, even if you have money and want to hire someone to harvest, it is more difficult to make an appointment.

The Shao family was lucky. During the harvest, they found two people who had not yet reached the harvest time. They helped with the wages for two days.

It was really the whole family that went into battle. Qiao Xuan and Mrs. Fang cooked at home, looked after the children, and did all kinds of housework.

(End of this chapter)

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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