Remember for a second【】

Chapter 359

Besides, for a big family and a wealthy family like them, the infighting is probably more severe, the shameful things are probably more, and there is nothing to dislike their own family.

Qiao Xuan smiled and said, "You spread rumors to slander our family, and even had a fight with my mother, I'm just wondering, what kind of door do you have in our family?"

Le Zhengxiao burst out laughing.

Widow Sun didn't expect Qiao Xuan to be so disrespectful, her face blushed and she was so angry that she couldn't speak.

"Miss Qiao, you are so ignorant!" Mister Niu gave Qiao Xuan a condemning look, and then smiled at Xie Jingrong and Le Zhengxiao: "Oh, two of you, my niece-in-law has such a personality and is ignorant. Don't bother with her, the two young masters! By the way, the two young masters haven't said where they are from and what are their names?"

Le Zhengxiao smiled: "Mrs. Qiao is very good, and so is Brother Shao."

Xie Jingrong nodded: "Not bad!"

Qiao Xuan was too lazy to care about Niu's, so she pulled her out. It happened that Fang and Yang Xiaoni came from the backyard. Seeing that their faces were dark, she greeted Yang Xiaoni and pulled Niu away.

As for Widow Sun, she was stunned by Mrs Fang's stare, and she said, "I have something to do at home..." and hurriedly ran away.

Mrs Fang directly pulled Mrs Niu to the backyard and was about to explode with anger: "Don't come to our house to be ashamed!"

Niu's dissatisfaction: "Why are you embarrassing? I think you just don't want us to be nice! I think these two sons are very suitable for our Meiling-"

"Stop! Stop it!" Fang wanted to kick her to death, "Niu, this is Yunyun's friend, they came to see Yunyun on purpose, you can look at Meiling and see others, which is the best match? Don't make jokes to affect Meiling's reputation, you won't have time to regret it! In a family like this, it's natural for the family to decide what to do with the family. The girl pushed her to the house?"

"You, you—" Mrs. Niu disliked Mrs. Fang's words and sneered: "What nonsense are you talking about! Don't just talk about me, huh, when I don't know what you think!"

Niu lowered his voice: "Are you looking for Taotao?"

"What?" Mrs Fang was startled, but didn't react at first, but when she understood what Mrs Niu said, she raised her hand angrily and almost slapped Mrs Niu in the face: "You think everyone is like you? Shameless, dare to think anything!"

Niu sneered, obviously not believing.

"Do you believe it or not," Mrs Fang said coldly, "In short, they are our guests. If you dare to mess around, I will never stop with you!"

After Mr. Fang finished speaking, he drove Mr. Niu out.

Niu didn't dare to enter the house anymore, she left in a It is impossible to give up, she is really satisfied with these two young masters! Fight whatever you say!

She knew very well that after passing this village, there would be no such shop.

In the room, Shao Yunyun smiled helplessly: "Let Brother Xie and Brother Lezheng see the joke. If they say or do something, then Brother Xie and Brother Lezheng don't take it to heart."

Shao Yunyun didn't want to speak ill of Niu and the others.

But this prevention still has to fight.

Who knows what will happen to them?

Le Zhengxiao said with a smile: "Brother Shao is serious, which family doesn't have a few bad things! To be honest with Brother Shao, our family is probably not as good as Brother Shao's!"

Xie Jingrong smiled, the Xie family naturally had internal conflicts, but they were not prominent, and no one dared to make trouble in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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