Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 417: please also hide

Remember for a second【】

Chapter 417 Please Conceal

Qiao Xuan smiled shyly: "It shouldn't be wrong, it's mainly a fluke."

"No, no, how could it be a fluke? How much effort did you go to save our master, we can all see clearly!" Mrs. Lezheng didn't know how to express her gratitude: "Xiaoxuan, you are the head of our Lezheng family. Benefactor! But in the future, we can help from Lezheng family, Lezheng family has nothing to say!"

"Auntie is too polite!"


After a while, the mother and son barely calmed down.

After a while, Mr. Lezheng slowly woke up.

His feeling is the most intuitive.

The chronic ailments in his body were swept away, his body relaxed, and his body and mind were happy, making him feel like he was reborn as a human being.

The eldest lady and Le Zhengxiao's mother and son carefully asked him how he felt? Hearing him say that makes me even more happy!

Madam Le Zheng held Qiao Xuan's hand tightly, not knowing what to say.

Qiao Xuan is equivalent to saving their family! She couldn't imagine what the family would be like when her husband passed away.

"Xiao Xuan, don't be polite to your aunt from now on!"

With a move in her heart, Mrs. Lezheng's eyes lit up, and she said eagerly, "Auntie leans on the old to sell the old, otherwise, how about the aunt recognizes you as a righteous daughter? We will be a family from now on!"

Master Le Zheng also thought it was a good idea, and he agreed with a smile.

Qiao Xuan and Le Zhengxiao were startled.

"This this--"

"Mother, let's talk about this later!" Le Zhengxiao saw Qiao Xuan's scruples at a glance, and Qiao Xuan's scruples were also his scruples, "It's getting late, sister-in-law is still rushing back to the city, otherwise Brother Shao, I'm afraid I have to worry if I can't see anyone, father and mother, I'll take them back to the city first!"


Mrs. Lezheng and his wife looked at each other a little.

Qiao Xuan was secretly relieved, and quickly agreed with him, saying goodbye with a smile.

Mrs. Lezheng saw that it was indeed getting late, and she also wanted to invite Dr. Tang to come back to diagnose and diagnose her husband. She was in a mess at the moment, and it was hard to talk, so she told her to see you later, and asked Le Zhengxiao to send them away. .

Qiao Xuan agreed, and added: "Uncle, aunt, I'm not hiding the truth... I'm only so capable, this time, it was a fluke, and I managed to cure my uncle by mistake. In fact, I I don't know any medical skills, so I asked my uncle and aunt to keep it a secret for me, and don't let people know that I did it..."

Qiao Xuan was in a very happy mood at the moment. She didn't expect the wood-type power to treat diseases so well. Maybe this is not called healing, it is called rejuvenating the body~www.wuxiaspot.com~ All Shen Ke and all wounds can be repaired.

But this kind of ability is too heaven-defying, and it is absolutely not good for him to spread the word.

This kind of ability can be used to save herself and her family, but Qiao Xuan never thought of using it to make money.

Hearing this, Le Zhengxiao also said sternly: "Father, mother, since this is what the sister-in-law meant, we can't disrespect."

Mrs. Lezheng and his wife are both talented people. After listening to Qiao Xuan's words, she generally understood her concerns and nodded, "Don't worry, Xiaoxuan, we will definitely arrange it, and we won't spread a word!"

Qiao Xuan was relieved and left.

On the carriage, Le Zhengxiao clenched and spread his fists, and smiled at Qiao Xuan with some hesitation: "Sister-in-law, I didn't stop my mother because I disliked my sister-in-law—"

"I understand, I understand!" Qiao Xuan laughed, "I think so too, really! It's the best!"

(End of this chapter)

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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