Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 436: new house completed

Remember for a second【】

Chapter 436 The new house is completed

The blue veins on Mrs. Xiaomi's forehead jumped fiercely, and said coldly: "This kind of scumbag, so ignorant, and saying anything is just nonsense! In this case, he poured a dumb medicine and beat him, and let him go from a distance. Sell ​​it!"

As she spoke, she glanced at the Jin family again, smiled coldly, and said meaningfully: "Since my niece is so capable, I will leave this matter to my niece to deal with. My niece should also take care of herself, this will come later. , how many things will my niece worry about! When the time comes, my niece must not be unable to cope!"

Jin sneered in his heart, thinking, are you threatening me? Have trouble? Then please do it.

It’s only two months, no matter how hard I work, I can still survive in two months.

When the father-in-law and mother-in-law return to the manor, we will see how you can still jump!

"Thank you Second Aunt for reminding me, I will!"


Xiao Mi sneered and left in a rage.

The Jin family was not at all soft-hearted, and specially ordered the steward to summon all the servants in the mansion, and declared the fault of Shui Xiu and others in front of all the servants, and severely punished them in public.

Shui Xiu was the first offender, and he charged thirty big boards with a stick and sent it to Zhuangzi immediately.

Zhuang Zishang would prepare a dumb medicine for her to take, and when the injury healed, he would call Ren Yazi and sell her to the provincial capital from a distance.

The other five were punished for twenty, and they all reprimanded Zhuangzi for doing farm work, and another one who was honest and honest was chosen to serve as an official.

The young lady suddenly acted resolutely and decisively, stunned everyone in the mansion.

Everyone was trembling, especially those who were harbouring ghosts and made small movements on weekdays, and they were even more frightened.

Mr. Xiaomi learned that the silver teeth were almost crushed, the tea cup was smashed a few times, and Mr. Jin was gnashing his teeth and letting him wait and see...

But I don't know at all, it won't be long before the couple will return to the mansion, Mr. Lezheng and Mrs. Lezheng. At that time, there will be nothing to do with her in the mansion.

In Shaoding Village, within a few days, the new house of the Shao family's big house was finally completed.

The completion of the new house will inevitably attract many people in the village to watch the lively and congratulate.

The whole family was very happy and beaming, and prepared a lot of snacks such as candied melon seeds and peanuts for the villagers to eat.

"This yard is really big! Oh, there is a small yard and a small garden inside the big yard, and the ground in the yard is also covered with blue bricks. It's really impressive!"

"If you have money, you are willing to spend money, it's natural!"

"No! Oh, it would be great if our family could live in such a big house and a big yard!"

This half-truth and envy joke made countless people laugh~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Someone even replied jokingly: "Wait in the next life and see if you can!"

The people in the village circled in and out, walked around and looked around, feeling envious.

Everyone understands in their hearts that no matter whether they are envious or jealous, admit it or not, they can't change the fact that the Shao family's big house is really developed!

Everyone has no injustice in the past and no enmity in the recent past. It’s one thing to be envious, jealous, and sour, but if you can curry favor with the Shao family’s big house, in the future, people may be able to eat meat and drink two soups at home – just like Shao Dali and the others. , that's not bad either.

Therefore, no matter what you think in your heart, when everyone congratulates and congratulates, they seem to be a lot sincere and say a lot of compliments.

Even if there are some people who are really pantothenic like Grandma Ding Wu, it's not good to say anything unpleasant in this kind of situation, that would offend people too much.

(End of this chapter)

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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