Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 444: It is more likely to stage a "righteous killing of relatives"

Remember for a second【】

Chapter 444 It's More Likely to Stage "Righteous Extermination of Relatives"

Shao Yunyun laughed unconsciously when he heard the words: "...You can see this?"

Qiao Xuan was stunned, and hurriedly said, "Is there really? What's wrong?"

Shao Yunyun didn't want to say it, but since Qiao Xuan saw it and asked him, he didn't hide it: "It's not a big deal..."

Qiao Xuan was furious when she heard it: "Is that the Zhao family son who came to the house with his sixth cousin a while ago? I'm afraid this person is not sick! Fortunately, you didn't fall for it, otherwise it would be really difficult to explain..."

This frame-up strategy can be described as very crude, but it cannot be held effective.

As long as Shao Yunyun went to Dean Meng's study, Zhao Guanghua repeatedly denied that he let Shao Yunyun go, and Shao Yunyun was speechless.

Zhao Guanghua is rich and looks like a dog, so the academy will naturally tend to believe him.

Even if the trouble goes to court, it's fine if the scumbag doesn't call Shao Yunyun "disgraceful", it is absolutely impossible for him to decide.

It is more likely to stage a "fair, strict, righteous and righteous killing of relatives".

Shao Yunyun smiled: "This person has a bad character, and I have no friendship with him at all. He suddenly shows closeness to me, how can I believe him!"

Qiao Xuan smiled: "In such a situation, most of the others would have neglected it. After all, who would have thought that he would be so bold and dare to talk nonsense about the dean of your academy! It's still my husband who is smart! Hehe!"

"Hmph, if I want to tell you, that Dean Meng is not a good person either. Xianggong was clearly wronged, but he actually hit fifty big boards each!"

Shao Yunyun: "It doesn't matter if I don't go to the academy, it has no effect on me."

"Having said that, it's hard to swallow!"

Qiao Xuan's heart moved, and she thought: "This matter... Do you think that Dean Meng also asked Zhao Guanghua to buy it? Also, whether you go to the academy or not has nothing to do with Zhao Guanghua, right? Why did he suddenly do this? Is it to help the sixth cousin? The sixth cousin doesn't have such a big face..."

Qiao Xuan has never met Zhao Guanghua, but she has met Zhao Ming. People like them would never really treat Shao Liulang as a friend or do anything for him.

This matter is really without careful consideration, the more I think about it, the more confused it becomes.

However, Shao Yunyun guessed a few points. He has never held grudges with others. If he had to say yes, it would be the Qiao family.

He met Qiao Wei and Qiao Kou on the street that day, and this happened when he went to the academy. If he said that the two had nothing to do with each other, he would not believe it.

He didn't want to tell Qiao Xuan this, she knew that it was inevitable that she would be more angry and feel guilty for herself, there was no need.

For fear that Qiao Xuan would think of this, Shao Yunyun interrupted her thoughts with a gentle remark: "Such a scoundrel~www.wuxiaspot.com~ who knows what they are thinking about all day long? What unbelievable things are they doing? Not surprising. I can prepare for the test at home, and that's fine!"

Qiao Xuan thought about it... that's fine!

Speaking of this, I was afraid that he would not feel comfortable, so he stopped talking about it and said a lot of words of comfort and encouragement to make Shao Yunyun feel better.

Shao Yunyun was relieved to see that she no longer mentioned this matter.

The weather is getting colder, the wild chestnuts and persimmons in the mountains should be ripe, and Qiao Xuan is eager to try again.

The weather was very good that day. Early in the morning, everyone went into the mountains to find wild chestnuts.

Qiao Xuan easily found a large field of wild chestnuts growing on the gentle hillside.

Because there are few people in the deep mountains, many chestnuts fell to the ground, some with their shells on, rolling in the fallen leaves and grass, like little hedgehogs.

(End of this chapter)

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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