Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 461: just look at others

Remember for a second【】

"Our cloud has the ability! This is what a scholar looks like! Since we are friends, we should return the gift well."

Qiao Xuan nodded and smiled: "Mother is right."

Today, some of the homes are vacant, and there are places for carriages and horses to be tied. Qushan and the coachman will stay in the big house for one night and leave the next day.

With so many gifts, Qiao Xuan and Mrs. Fang distributed them one by one. Mrs. Xu, Yang Xiaoni, Taotao and others all shared. Everyone knew that this was the blessing of Shao Yunyun and Qiao Xuan, and they all smiled and thanked them.

Xu Shi is even more fortunate that he did not care about his fifth siblings carefully, otherwise, how could he have lived a comfortable life like today!

Fresh mutton is the most delicious. For dinner, Qiao Xuan made pan-fried lamb chops, roasted lamb scorpion with sauce, and yam stewed mutton soup.

The roast suckling pig is also cut in half and served on the table. The skin is ruddy, the skin is crisp and the meat is tender, fat but not greasy. Every bite is an excellent enjoyment.

The whole family was full of praise, and Qiao Xuan also liked this dish very much.

You must know that this is a big dish that is not easy to make, and it is not sold in ordinary restaurants at all. Only if the patrons in the famous restaurant have made a deposit in advance, they will do it, and you can't take it easy.

However, roast suckling pig is not easy to get, but you can try to use pork belly to make roast pork, the same crispy skin and tender meat!

Early the next morning, Qiao Xuan and the others loaded the prepared return gifts into the carriage one by one and asked Qu Shan to take them back.

There are home-made bacon, sausage, and fish, fresh mushrooms, fungus and white fungus that are freshly picked in the mushroom shed, chestnuts, honey, and some dried vegetables such as winter bamboo shoots, dried radish, dried beans, etc., all of which are produced by themselves. of.

Qu Shan thanked and accepted it for the master with a smile, and left with warm mutton and green onion stuffed buns in his arms.

The people in the Shao family's big room are kind. Last night, they made steamed steamed buns, heated them early in the morning, and cooked several eggs for them to eat on the road. They also packed a lot of snacks such as candy and melon seeds to relieve their boredom on the road. There are also red envelopes of two taels each.

So even if the road is long, the two of them have never given up on this errand. Instead, each time there are some small expectations.

Because every time there is a delicious meal.

Not to mention the big buns with thin skin and a lot of stuffing, the lamb scorpion and lamb chops last night were really delicious.

As for the carriage going to the Shao family's big house again, the villagers are used to it, and now the Shao family's big house has a big house and a big yard, it is not convenient to watch the lively.

The second uncle Shao and the third uncle Shao only said something that shouldn't have been said and asked Fang to drive out, and the two families did not dare to come to the door at this moment.

I can only complain a few words at home.

Widow Sun is more jealous than them~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Every time she sees the Shao family's big house better and better, the poisonous snake named "regret" bites deeper and deeper into her heart.

If she had taken the lead and married Qingqing to Shao Yunyun, she would be so proud today!

Now I can only look at other people's expressions!

Widow Sun felt that she couldn't bear it. She met her concubine in private, and she was willful and coquettish at the same time. She must find a way to clean up the people who clean up the Shao family's big room.

"That Mr. Fang, now I can't wait to see my nostrils turned upside down, I'm so mad! I can't get over it without this breath!"

Widow Sun's concubine gave her a headache, so she had to agree: "...Okay, I'll think about it, I'll think of a way, don't worry."

"Hmph, then you must remember! Otherwise, I won't spare you!"

"Okay, okay, remember, remember..."

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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