Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 478: Do you have an opinion on her?

Remember for a second【】

Chapter 478 Will you have any opinion on her?

Shao Meiling is older, and she got engaged again not long ago.

When Shao Xiaozhi saw Ma Shi, he almost cried, "Tao Tao bullied me!"

Ma was originally in a bad mood because he wanted to kill chickens to cook for the New Year. Hearing this, he immediately widened his eyes: "Why did she bully you? Tell me now! This girl, Tao Tao, is not good enough!"

Originally, in previous years, they were in the big room for the New Year. They just went to eat, and they didn't need to worry about anything else. It was good and easy. It's annoying to have to do everything yourself now.

If she can find a big room to vent her anger, she can't ask for anything.

When Shao Xiaozhi heard her mother's tone, she was startled, and she hesitated first, not dare to say anything, her mother asked in a hurry, so she simply ran back to the room.

Ma Shi was so angry that he muttered, "You deserve to be bullied by your anger..."

However, after thinking about it for a while, thinking about how powerful Fang was, he didn't dare to come and make trouble.

After the Chinese New Year, in the first month of the year, everyone does not have to work in the fields. Every day, the East and West families come to chat with each other, and the whole village is full of laziness.

There are a lot of people coming to visit relatives in the Shao family's big house this year, and Mrs. Fang inevitably brings her daughters-in-law to entertain them one by one.

Fang's family, Xu's family, Ding Erzhu's Yue family, Zhou family, Fang's married sister, etc., all came.

Even Shao Dali and several other families in the village brought some gifts to sit down.

Qiao Xuan, Yang Xiaoni and Mrs Xu followed Mrs Fang to entertain relatives, and they were too busy every day.

Fortunately, the new house has been built, so even if there are many relatives, it will not be crowded and will not affect Shao Yunyun's homework.

After the New Year, the autumn season in the late July of the Qin Dynasty is even closer.

Unexpectedly, on the sixth day of the sixth day, Mrs. Xu felt a little uncomfortable, her face was pale and she vomited. She had experience and felt a little bit. Mrs. Fang also had experience, and was secretly happy. She asked a doctor for a pulse diagnosis that day, saying that Mrs. Xu had two symptoms. More than a month pregnant.

This is a happy event, and the whole family is very happy.

Shao Dalang was about to become a father again, and he couldn't stop laughing.

Mr. Fang told Mrs. Xu to take a good rest, not to do the work of going up and down the mountain, and only doing some light work of feeding chickens, cooking rice and sweeping the floor. The four-year-old Shao Qing was not allowed to touch her again. The child was ignorant, but it would be troublesome if she bumped into her stomach.

Qiao Xuan also took some bird's nest and donkey-hide gelatin for Xu's body.

Xu is very happy. She already has a son. It doesn't matter whether this one is a son or a daughter in her belly. The most important thing is that the family is in good condition now~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This child can be seen to be reborn. It is a happy life to come down, and there is nothing missing from him.

In addition to being happy, Yang Xiaoni touched her shriveled belly, and became a little worried. She couldn't help complaining to Shao Sanlang hesitantly. On, will my mother have any opinion on her...

Shao Sanlang was very distressed when he saw his wife's sad face, and hurriedly said: "How can you blame you? You are not alone in having children. If you really want to blame me, I will also bear half of it!"

Yang Xiaoni's heart was sweet and her face blushed when she heard it: "Stinky rascal! People are telling you the business, and you still say it's shameless!"

Shao Sanlang: "..." Why is it shameless.

"Anyway, mother won't blame you, daughter-in-law, don't think about it!"

Shao Sanlang comforted Yang Xiaoni, but he was still not at ease. After thinking about it, he simply went to tell his mother in person.

(End of this chapter)

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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