Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 482: It's really disrespectful

Remember for a second【】

Chapter 482

Yan Shi smiled and said: "Mother, that's not an outsider, it's the uncle's family. It's better to have a good relationship than a grudge, don't you think? It's just a little bit of affection, it's nothing. Besides, Shiro also agrees. "

The Yan family hid it from the Niu family, but not Shao Shilang, and told him in the morning.

Shao Shilang was not very happy at first, but Mrs Yan said a few words to him in a soft and gentle voice, and Shao Shilang was dizzy with a cloud in his head. He only nodded and said yes when his daughter-in-law said anything. portion.

When Niu heard the words, most of his dissatisfaction with Yan was gone, and he glared at Shao Shilang.

"Uh-", Shao Shilang scratched his head: "I, I..."

He didn't know how to explain it.

Yan Shi smiled again: "Mother, Xianggong is also thinking about the friendship between the two families. After all, there is no harm. This matter is over."

Niu snorted and warned Shao Shilang: "Shiro, you can give me a snack, don't do this in the future! Forget it, forget it!"

Everything was delivered, what else could it be?

Yan Shi smiled, took a break from the conversation, and talked about something else.

Yan Shi was officially a member of the Shao family.

Three dynasties went back to the door, Yan Shi and Shao Shilang went back to their parents' house together, Niu's buckle search, not too willing to prepare the return ceremony.

Only two chickens and two tubes of cheap tea were given. This also made her feel very distressed.

Yan Shi was dissatisfied, but didn't say anything.

Instead, he and Shao Shilang went to the city first, and bought two jars of wine with his dowry, weighed six catties of fine noodles, two catties of snacks, and six catties of pork belly.

When Mrs. Yan bought something, she had to feel wronged with Shao Shilang: "Mother gave us such a little thing, we have no face, I'm fine, but you are the new son-in-law, won't you be looked down upon? I'm here for you You make face, who calls us husband and wife! Who will make face if I don't give you face?"

Shao Shilang was moved and ashamed, he didn't know what to say, so he could not wait to give his heart to the Yan family.

Yan Shi said a few more words and ate him to death.

Yan Shi was satisfied, and finally smiled again: "What we added by ourselves, don't tell your parents when you go back, or I'm afraid your mother will complain again, and then it will become my fault!"

Shao Shilang nodded quickly: "Yes, yes, can't say, definitely can't say! Don't worry, I won't say it!"

He knows better than anyone what his mother's temperament is.

Yan was even more satisfied.

She is not trying to fight against her mother-in-law, but this mother-in-law is really unrespectable.

Since she was married to Shao Shilang, she naturally wanted to live a good life.

She can't control others, but Shao Shilang must stand by her side, be one with her, and listen to her words~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The relationship between the second room and the big room is not generally bad. She has basically figured it out in the past three days. , secretly surprised.

Fortunately, Shao Shilang didn't really offend Dafang, and she could still think of ways to turn around and improve.

She felt that the second and third rooms were stupid.

In the past, it was cheap to occupy a big house. If you can get it, you can take it. But now you can’t, so hurry up and change your way, lower your attitude and get along with the big house.

You have to have the ability to be tough with other people!

I don't want to admit defeat if I don't have the ability.

The third room has nothing to do with her, the second room she can't control others, but what she wants to do, others don't care about her. It really **** her off, don't blame her for asking for separation. Their Yan family is not easy to mess with...

(End of this chapter)

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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