Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 485: Yan is speechless

Remember for a second【】

Chapter 485 Yan's Speechless

Sure enough, this inquiry came sooner than she expected.

As soon as she came back to the Niu family, she hurriedly said: "Yan family, there is another roast chicken? Did you see it at first?"

Yan Shi smiled and wrote lightly: "Oh, I just went to my aunt's house and brought them some tofu and a roast chicken. I also sent tofu and a little meat to the third aunt's house."

"What!" Niu screamed: "You said you gave them a whole roast chicken! And meat!"

Yan's heart disliked her so much, she pretended to be ignorant and harmless, and nodded with a smile: "Yes, the aunt's family has always taken care of our family, I'm reciprocating, and relatives, it should be like this. That's right, second sister-in-law, do you think I'm doing the right thing?"

Mrs. Zhang almost smiled crookedly, when she heard Mrs. Yan actually came to ask herself, obviously she wanted to join her, and wanted to pull herself into the water to bear her mother-in-law's anger, hmph, how could it be so cheap?

Zhang Shi couldn't wait to express his position: "Fourth younger brother and sister, this is yours, no! The big house is selfish and mean, and stingy, but he doesn't want to help our family even though he has money, and we have long been at odds with our family. You are better, Baba. It's a big mistake to send them food!"

Niu nodded and was about to say a few words to Yan. However, Mrs. Yan was the first to speak: "Second sister-in-law is wrong, right? How much did the eldest uncle and aunt help our family in the past? Everyone in the village has seen it. How can the second sister-in-law say such a thing!"

Zhang Shi sneered: "You said it too, that was in the past!"

Yan Shi: "Even in the past, it was also kindness. After all, everyone in the big room has their own lives to live, and our family is also a big family, with hands and feet, what can't you do? The big room. Being willing to help is a matter of affection, and refusing to help is normal, after all, they don’t owe us anything, don’t you think?”

"We are all cousins ​​of the same grandfather and grandmother. Wouldn't it be good to have a relationship? If you always rely on other families for free and unconditional help, who can help? In other words, let the second sister-in-law help you. Will the second sister-in-law be willing to help the big house without any payment?"

Mrs. Zhang felt that Mrs. Yan was mocking her, and she said angrily, "You just passed the door, what do you know? I told you kindly, but you told me! You don't know the situation of our family! If you don't believe me, ask your mother! "

Mrs Yan said, "Mother must be reasonable, you don't need to ask me to know! Although I don't know the situation of our family very well, the truth is that it will never change."

Zhang Shi sneered: "Don't tell me, tell your mother!"

Niu: "..."

Niu opened his mouth~www.wuxiaspot.com~ For no reason, he was a little guilty and difficult to speak...

"Cough cough! Mrs. Yan, you really don't understand what's going on at home, forget it this time, ask me if you have anything in the future? Your grandfather and grandmother died, but your uncle promised to take care of us. Two-bedroom, three-bedroom, this can't be counted!"

"If they can't do it, they shouldn't. You can also see that the big house is so grand! If they have money, they don't care whether we live or die, this is impossible!"

Yan: "..."

Yan Shi was speechless, and dared to say it for a while and said it in vain!

Thinking that you already have grandchildren, you still need a big room to take care of you? How to take care of it?

Mrs. Yan did not directly agree to Mrs. Niu. She smiled and said, "Don't worry, mother, I will definitely not do things that I can't do or shouldn't do. There's no way to escape a word of reason in everything!"

(End of this chapter)

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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